
To Be Or Not To Be ... Everywhere

avatar of @erikah
3 min read

(Unfortunately my post has vanished after posting it, so now I have to write it again. This is not fun though.)


There's a whole CUB madness going on as CUB DEFI has just been launched. This is another playground for those who want to diversify their portfolio. We get more and more investment opportunities, we just have to decide what's the best option for us. Putting our stake to good use seems to be the best solution in order to make more.


This is a part of spinvest's post, referring to LBI's investment in bLEO/BNB LP. It's been two days since CUB Finance has been launched and LBI holders got richer already as 5000 LEO has been wrapped and farmed, resulting in 80 CUB, which at the moment means around $500. As far as I know this is the first LBI investmen, but definitely not the last one.


A few days ago gadrian gathered all the info he could about the upcoming events, even though at that point all of that was just pieces picked up from here and there. However, Khal confirmed everything he said and gave us some details.

From the above list #cubfinance is already alive and working, #bleo is also alive, you fan farm CUB by staking bLEO. There should have already been a claimdrop, the deadline was last night. I'm not impatient, this is not complaining, just stating that the CUB claimdrop can happen anytime now, which obviously will boost our wallet.

#projectblank is a long-awaited project, which will also bring an airdrop, based on staked LEO. This is an important piece of the puzzle as the project has a bright future and the price of the token can shoot to the moon.

#leofi is the other important piece of the puzzle as leasing can be profitable of both the lessee and the lessor. We know very little or nothing at all about this project, but I'd definitely keep an eye on it.

This was all Khal was willing to let us know but I'm pretty sure he has a lot on his plate, a whole lot more is being worked on, which is not public knowledge yet.

If you think @khaleelkazi is going to stop building on top of CUB you haven't learn anything this past year. source

As you can see, I'm not the only one suspecting there's more in development. This is just the beginning.

Image by Alexandra from Pixabay

To Be Or Not To Be ... Everywhere

Prior to Cub Finance launch you could see a lot of users stressed out, making hasty decisions, losing money by sending funds to wrong addresses for example. FOMO is real. Obviously everyone wants to benefit, make the most of it, but sometimes is best to wait for the right moment.

As the number of opportunities are growing, I can see that we're going to have to choose what's best as we can't be everywhere in the same time, especially those who have limited funds. I'm holding and investing what I could earn in three years of being on the platform, plus I had to invest fiat now, to be able to farm my wrapped LEO, but that doesn't mean my resources are endless and can jump in and invest every time there's something new. I made peace with myself, I know my limits and won't invest funds i don't have and won't FOMO.

When your hands are tide, you have no other choice than to try to choose what you think it's best but you will only know after, if you made the right decision or not. This makes it fun, don't you think?


While I was writing my first post, that vanished after posting, dalz published some CUB metrics. It's great to see the numbers, even though it's only been two days or so.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta