
Squirt My Cash Bitch!

avatar of @espandor
3 min read
Have your heard?

Some bitch be pending a lot of cash in some prize pool or something. And She says that the only way to get those hefty amount of cash out is to participate :)

What are we to participate?

This bitch been horny lately and she wants an able creator to hold here down and make her squirt "Some Cash"

Another One! Yep!

PublishOx ment Bityard

Oops a sin is committed worth $800 in prize pool, what an expense!!!

Few weeks back I saw a post from @trumpman yo favorite shit poster :) and by the way good work on keeping your shits coming, we are benefiting ;) Therein his post he made mentioned of a platform called "PublishOx" a lot of you prolly know this platform already, but for those who doesn't!

PublishOx is a Crypto blogging platform that allows both readers and writers to earn themselves some crypto at a random by using a tip bottom provided by the platform, awesome right? OK!

I actually heard of PublishOx sometime back and I had an account just for reading and tipping some good articles. Well not until it got disabled for some reasons I know nothing of :( maybe I was tipping out of control lol. Point is I gave my PublishOx blogging a chance after getting a referral from @trumpman's post, got into the system and kicked off.

Someone Told Me it's Raining Money, Oh where is the party?

Oh well, PublishOx recently had a AMPLmeme Contest for a prize of about $20 if am not mistaken. Well it was all for a reason of having added AMPL Coin To the tip bottom, all you had to do was create a dumb creative meme about AMPL and earn yourself some free crypto, Oops you missed it? :(

Oh Well, a bigger Contest is Here! Ever Heard Of Bityard Exchanged?

Bityard Exchange

Is the worlds leading contract exchange, the safest, fastest, most transparent and user friendly. There are already +100,000 users, over 150 countries trading with bityard. Trading With licence, trading with 100× leverage and at a very low trading fee! Born of Singapore to the world.

Back to business!

PublishOx puts up this initiative to engage their users as everyone loves free crypto. #tradewithbityard
Writing Contest and Giveaway : $800 in ETH prizes, woooooooots

Source Who's not testing this out? Oh well... Leofinance has got some pretty good writers over here, so I thought a lot of them would be interested in grabbing some free crypto and in better ways stand to publish their creativity out there.

Topic: The topic is centered on Bityard Exchange - anything related to the exchange goes! See more details below.

Prize Pool: $800 in ETH!

Out of this, $700 in ETH will go to the 12 authors who publish the best posts in the contest!We will reward 5 authors who have not won any other prize with $10 in ETH each - a total $50 in ETH.$50 in ETH is reserved for the Twitter Giveaway - to be split between 10 users.

Note: If there are more than 50 posts submitted into the contest, the prize pool for authors will be increased!

So apparently there's enough coins to go around, you just have to hope to get lucky ;)

What Can You Write About in the #tradewithbityard Contest and Giveaway?

For this contest, you can write about pretty much anything related to Bityard exchange. You can explain what the exchange is, how it works, or write tutorials on specific services that Bityard offers.


Here are a few topics suggested by Bityard team:

The content from participants will be about Bityard exchange. You can choose to write anything about Bityard. Your writing content doesn’t need to include any of these, but they are some suggestions to help get you an idea of a topic to write about:

Bityard copy trade system (how do you feel about the system?)

The diverse and secure spot service provided by Bityard (with the liquidity provider, Binance, a large and well-known crypto exchange).

Your trading experience on Bityard so far (crypto contract trading, contract copy trade, or spot trading).

Why do you recommend other crypto investors to trade on Bityard? (the user-friendly services? The easy-to-understand UI? Other things?)

What are your suggestions for Bityard (what do you want Bityard to be like in future?)

You can take a lift and learn more about the contest here

Bityard and Publish0x team will select the best posts under considering the conditions like topic, content, retweets number, etc.

Good Luck :) Resources Used in this post

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta