
Young, dumb and broke... But Hive is helping me avoid that.

avatar of @fabian98
3 min read


Hello everyone...

Since I finished my mandatory high school studies I was completely up in the air, I was totally exemplified in Khalid's song: Young, dumb and broke. I didn't know what path I was going to take in my life in terms of the job I wanted to choose and I didn't have a penny broken in half to start a business idea. Although I really liked music and I was studying to be a pianist, the truth was that there was no future in that for two main reasons 1 in Venezuela music is not really valued and 2 even the teachers were emigrating because of the crisis.

So I tried to study public accounting at the university to be a good accountant with excellent contracts with companies that had some distant relatives. But since I was in the middle of the crisis, it was very difficult for me to support myself while studying, since I could barely make ends meet and the university was 2 cities away from mine.

So I started to work more and abandoned my studies, and well that has brought me as a result the same situation as when I left high school: "Young, Dumb and Broke".

And now that I am 24 years old it is very difficult for me to study a university degree, since I am married and I have other responsibilities to attend to, besides building a house that for the last 2 years I have not been able to make much progress and finally fighting against a constant and silent inflation that makes what I earn with hard work writing every day worth nothing at the end of the week and to top it off also a brutal bear market that liquidated all my earnings that I had been trying to accumulate for more than 2 years.

So again I am Young, dumb and broke.... Pero la ventaja que tengo ahora mismo es que gracias a Hive estoy evitando esto poco a poco.

Y no estoy ganando cada vez más, no. Ya que lo que hago es construir mi capital para el futuro, más bien con lo que Hive me esta ayudando a salir de una mentalidad de pobreza en ayudando cuanto a conocimiento, conocimiento de cómo usar el blockchain o las criptomonedas para poder cambiar la situación de Young, dumb and broke a algo mejor. Ya que lo más importante es saber pescar, no es pescado que comemos todos los días.

En Hive he podido aprender muchas cosas que me han reportado grandes beneficios, como aprender a mejorar las publicaciones para poder llegar mejor a los lectores y así tener recompensas. Además de poder usar el Defi para construir una base para el futuro. Así como conocimiento sobre le trading de criptomonedas e información para evitar caer en trampas. Así como una comunidad especializada como Leofinance donde también amplio mi conocimiento mucho más sobre las criptomonedas y sistemas decentralizado. Y también a mantenerme lejos del esclavizante sistema financiero actual que solo promueve deuda.

And it is true that I did not study in any university, but with what I am learning here plus what I research on my own, it helps me much better and immediately
clearly with this I am not discrediting university studies, simply that for me in this situation of my life it is more feasible for me to learn about cryptocurrencies. .

So, although it is possible that within the next 5 years my economic situation will not make such a big change, I know that after 5 years my life can make a real 180 degree turn to something much better than what I see now, because when it comes to cryptocurrencies it is not the speed but the consistency every day, and if you build on Hive every day I know you can get a good reward in a few years.

Thank you very much for reading.

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