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2 min read


Hi great hivers, I'm super excited to drop something I have considered recently as a challenge for most organisations. For any good sustainability of any business it's significant that one of that integral component of the business which is client shouldn't be neglected but must be managed properly. When you have the product and services; and no one to buy it (client) then you aren't in business. Therefore I want to share some steps on how to manage the expectations of a client.

what's expectation?

These are the outcome that a client intend to receive after a commitment is made to a product or service. These are possible desire that a client expects in return from the organisation or the business man.

How to manage client's expectations.

There are many ways to manage client's expectations but I would share few.

  • Communication. Clients differs in so many ways therefore to curtail all these differences one must develop a good and sound communication strategies. Communication is key for managing every client. Communication can be within or without. This also entails how a client is attended to, the kind of tune or voice used, how a client is welcomed, the first statement from the receptionist etc. When this is put in place, it will create an enabling environment for the client to have sense of tolerance and acceptability.
  • Be transparent. I have come to discover that most clients have challenge with their service providers when it comes to delivery of their products. Lies doesn't build relationships instead it ruins it. Don't keep the client in obscurity rather be opened and say the truth always. If the product isn't ready don't dribble the client. When this is done, it will surely boost the confidence level of the client.
  • Maintain integrity. Learn to maintain your integrity with the client. Let him know you for your genuiness and good reputation. Don't cheat him and introduce fake product this will certainly soiled Your relationship with him. Be known for your services and products. Don't over promised what you don't have in the name of an attempt to maintain such customer this will rather destroy it more.
  • Identify when a client expectation isn't met. Observe even their facial look and how they react to things it will inform you whether they are satisfied or not. Remember customer's satisfaction is always the desire of every service provider. When a customer is happy certainly you too is fulfilled.


Managing a customer might not be too easy but when these few steps aforementioned are considered, I strongly believe there will be drastic change in the organisation or pattern of business. Ensure that you evaluate your customer's satisfaction always to know where to adjust.

thanks for reading and all the comments appreciated.

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