
Introducing Flower NFTs; pay close attention!

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2 min read

NFT technology is an opportunity for multimedia owners to cement ownership of their asset and transfer this ownership in the simplest way. For an idea which is still ‘emerging’, NFT has gained an unspoken popularity, this is thanks to its utility. In contrast to most other ideas, NFT technologies can be leveraged by almost anyone.

Content creators have since dived into this space and have made different levels of success. Amazing artworks have found new owners while their original owners have made a satisfactory exchange for the effort invested in creating their artworks. Creativity in this sector has been enhanced by the ease of finding value via NFTs.

Pixelated arts, colourful and symbolic designs, popular memes…these contents have dominated NFT market places. While these works truly deserve the attention they have gotten in recent days thanks to NFT technology; photography can barely say the same. Reason for this still blurry. Well, photographers are probably reluctant to embrace this new wave or are unwilling to let go of the ownership rights to their pictures.

Whichever, this trend needs a change; this change we aim to contribute to.

Welcome Flowernfts! Hosted on hive blockchain, minted on Fantom opera chain!

We are adopting two amazing blockchains and communities to give you a piece of nature!

Hive blockchain provides an immutable platform for content creators to share their works and connect with an interactive community. With a good history of fighting censorship resistance, Hive blockchain stands out as the future of the decentralized social web.

Great creators, enthusiastic communities and everlasting technology…we couldn’t ask for anything better. The choice to use Hive blockchain as our asset hosting platform didn’t come as a second thought. We selected a platform where the new owners of our photographs can always assess their new assets and have no fear of these assets getting ‘removed’ without any proof.

We also chose Hive blockchain as a platform to build and interact with other content creators and a dedicated audience.

Why we chose Fantom opera chain as our minting platform

We spent most of our time deciding the best suited platforms for our project. Despite a handful of option, Fantom opera chain has shown an outstanding level of credibility. There are no perfect systems, we considered the pros and cons of every other available system before choosing the Opera Chain, this is mainly due to its flexibility and relative compliance to certain blockchain virtues.

Our NFTs will be on sale and auction on Fantom’s PaintSwap NFT market place. We will share these assets as soon as they are ready for purchase on paintswap.

It feels great venturing into a space that is under-exploited at the moment. We are aware of the challenges we face as our assets are very different from the contemporary rave in NFTs; however, we are determined to make a statement for other photographers who are currently reluctant to adopt this new technology.

Be a part of our story!

Check out our first flower NFT on paintswap

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