
avatar of @forexbrokr
1 min read

Thanks man, I'm glad we're on the same page.

These sorts of posts are great to keep awareness up that the better writers should have SEO optimisation of their posts in mind.

Hey @taskmaster4450le,

As our top author on LeoFinance, I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you'd be keen to focus some of your efforts on SEO optimisation of your posts.

Your daily posts are awesome, I'm a huge fan and ensure I upvote them for your consistency.

But just taking yesterday's Oil prices blog of yours as an example, you could fairly easily optimise it for SEO.

So the articles keyword is oil prices or a longer tail varient.

Just by adding little things like subheadings featuring that keyword and a few internal links to other relevant articles on the topic, we can start to build our rep in the eyes of the Google algo.

Remember, more traffic means more eyeballs on ads, which ultimately leads to a higher LEO price.

Your blog is an absolute treasure trove of content and I know you won't get rewarded for doing it, but even if you went back and edited your old posts to just add subheadings, internal links and the like, it would be hugely valuable for our domain.

Either way, I just wanted to start up a discussion and see whether you'd be open to just slightly changing the format of your blogging to include subheadings and a bit more focus on SEO.

We're all striving for the same result here and that's a higher LEO price :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta