
avatar of @forexbrokr
1 min read

Whenever I recommend dCity to someone, the question that always comes up is: 'But aren't the taxes too high to make money?'

They see the SIM income relatively lower than what it was a few months ago due to taxes and get annoyed.

But what they should be asking is 'what gives the SIM token value?'

Or why would anyone see the SIM token as valuable enough to buy it off the market after they dump it every day...

dCity taxes are a key mechanism for controlling the supply/demand imbalance and therefore helps keep price steady.

The bottom line is that without this level of taxation in dCity, the SIM price would have gone to zero already because the mountain of supply hitting the market would have overwhelmed the tiny demand.

When demand picks up, something that I think definitely will happen as new players start to see dCity for the DeFi juggernaut it can be, then taxes will naturally drop.

The system is genius.

It always makes me chuckle that 99% of people don't want to know where demand for the tokens they're earning comes from, they just want to endlessly be able to dump at high prices.

dCity taxes are the reason that we can make a consistent SIM income from playing dCity at all.

Long live dCity taxes!

PS. This was actually on my to-do list as more of a personal research mission so I can better understand the game.

Looks like you've done all the work for me, so cheers! ;)

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