
Splinterlands - EOS Rewards & Next Steps

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3 min read

Another season is done and with it another story to tell. In this article I will further document my journey throughout Splinterlands. I want to talk about the previous season, what rewards I received and how my next steps would look like to achieve my goals.

Season and Rewards

This season was the first time that I finally managed to finish in Silver 3. But everything in order. I started the season very slowly, managing to fight my way up to Bronze 1 after a few days. Even though I had leveled cards I had trouble to play them right or had very extraordinary opponents that were also making their way upwards. After a few days I finally managed to achieve one of my goals: Silver 3! With that being said, there were a few things that surprised me. The first one being that my battle Ranking changed to Silver. Thinking back it should not have surprised me but on the first sight I was very surprised. Seeing the top players in Bronze achieving around 2.8k Rating points is very amazing to see.

The second think that surprised me is how quickly the DEC rewards were going down. I am not sure if this has something to do with any changes or maybe I am not realizing something but after I entered Silver I was able to collect about 3-6 DEC per win. Even after I lost some games I was still able to collect about 2-3 Dec per win. The longer the season went the less DEC I got per win. It might be because a lot more players started to play as the season seemed coming to an end but this is definitely something I could observe. Another very important thing that I noticed is, that I now received two rewards chest and that the drop rate of reward cards is much higher.

Anyways, I managed to finish in the Top 1000 in Silver which is a very high achievement for me. It probably is nothing special but seeing myself at around 2.5k Rating points made me feel proud! One of my next goals is definitely reaching 2.8k and maybe the Top 100 in Silver. With that being said, lets take a look at my rewards. Like always, I am very happy to see any kind of reward cards as it means that I can increase my Collection Power and working towards the next division! In total I got six common and one rare reward card, making it 50 additional CP. Furthermore, 37 DEC were not as bad either. I am still waiting on receiving a Legendary Reward Card but I think that since my legendary gold card pull from a pack my luck is out for the rest of the year.

Next Steps

Speaking about my next steps, I first have to put my goals in place again. My number one goal is to reach Silver 2 as quickly as possible. For that I need to have 40k CP. With my current 33k I only need around 7k which I hope to achieve by the end of February. I really looking forward to buy a Grum card as I think it can be very useful in the future. Additionally, I am trying to safe up some DEC and Credits for the upcoming legendary summoners. I believe they will sell in the 100$ range but could be totally worth it. Especially, if they have game breaking abilities. I still can not decide whether to wait or to buy some cards now to achieve Silver 2 faster as the legendary summoners can take a while to arrive.

Furthermore, I am looking towards the 5k mark of SPS. With the recent dip I was able to pick up some to make myself stay at the 1.2k SPS mark. It allows me to generate 1 SPS every day which is a very nice return in my opinion. Nevertheless, I am hoping to pick up about 3k SPS over the next couple of months until the airdrop ends since I strongly believe that until then the utility of SPS will be very high and the supply will drop exponentially, making SPS a very valuable asset.

If you want to join this amazing game use following referal link:

Published by ga38jem on Hive On 31th January 2022

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta