
Rising Star on the Verge of Turning 2!

avatar of @gadrian
2 min read

If you have been in the Hive ecosystem for a significant amount of time, it's probably very likely you heard the name Rising Star associated with gaming on Hive.

Whether or not you chose to join, or if you like the genre or not, it's a different aspect. But you probably heard of it.

I didn't join the game right from the start, but eventually I did and I played and reinvested consistently, to a point I am pretty well established in the game right now, without being in the top 200, but close enough.

A few minutes ago (at the time of writing) I saw a notification about a new post from the game account, which announced they will turn two tomorrow, and what they have planned for the event!

I haven't been around for the 1st year anniversary for comparison, but 12 hours of continuous streaming sure sounds challenging, so congrats for making that happen for everyone who love festivities.

The card that can be won with this occasion is interesting but mostly to people who don't have enough pizza slices. I might however take one, because that'll add another unique card to my collection, even if for that purpose alone it's kind of pricey. But maybe I'll need more refills of energy in the future as I advance in the game, so another card that recovers 100% of the energy instantly (and with 12 hours cooldown instead of 24 hours like pizza slices) might proof itself useful.

Source: From Rising Star's post

Until now I only talked about things that are useful to someone playing the game.

There was a piece of information in the Rising Star post that can be interesting to anyone on Hive, or at least anyone who watches the gaming aspects on Hive.

This is it:

We now have over 6500 regular players! INCREDIBLE!

Let's make some comparisons with Splinterlands, before their huge influx of new players from last year.

If I remember correctly, Splinterlands was at around 10000 daily active users at that time, higher at season ends.

But on Splinterlands bots are allowed, while on Rising Star they are not. Whether or not this enforcement holds against the most sophisticated abusers, it's debatable. But it is a rule, and suspected abusers may get their accounts terminated on Rising Star.

So, to have 6500 people playing Rising Star on a regular basis (not necessarily on a daily basis), is quite interesting, considering the number of active people on Hive counted by posting, commenting or voting.

Since there are these streams on Twitch about the game, it is not unlikely that there may be players on Rising Star who are not active on Hive otherwise. Just like on Splinterlands, on a smaller scale.

It's hard to compare Rising Star and Splinterlands from many points of view, but Rising Star sure has a serious number of active players, for a crypto game.

Much more than I would have thought. Which is great! Well done Jux, Julia, @nupulse & @theturtleproject and whoever else is involved, if any. Happy anniversary Rising Star!

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