
Compound Interest with Streamlit & Python

avatar of @geekgirl
2 min read

We can often hear investors and traders say the key for financial success is compound interest. I personally interpret it as reinvesting the profits. Here is what Ivestopedia says about compound interest:

Compound interest (or compounding interest) is the interest on a loan or deposit calculated based on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods. Thought to have originated in 17th-century Italy, compound interest can be thought of as "interest on interest," and will make a sum grow at a faster rate than simple interest, which is calculated only on the principal amount.

The image above demonstrates the formula for calculating compound interest. Recently, a friend of mine jokingly asked if I could write a python code to display compound interest for staked assets. Even it is for fun, I thought why not? As a quick app making library I chose to use Streemlit and wrote up some code to display growth of the principal amount based on the interest rate and compounding interest every second. I believe normally compounding would work every month. I am not really sure how compounding works in defi. In any case, I just used every second. Below is the code, try it yourself.

import streamlit as st  
import time 
amount = st.sidebar.text_input('Amount', '1000.00') 
interest_rate = st.sidebar.text_input('Interest Rate', '10.00') 
start = st.sidebar.button('Start') 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
    # Compound Interest! 
    if start: 
                    .big-font { 
                    font-size:80px !important; 
                    """, unsafe_allow_html=True) 
        A = 0 
        P = float(amount) 
        r = float(interest_rate) 
        n = 12 <em> 365 </em> 24 <em> 60 </em> 60 
        t = 1   
        A = P <em> (1 + (r / 100) / n) </em> (n<em>t)     
        b = st.empty() 
        for i in range(n): 
            I = P </em> (r / 100) / n 
            P = P + I 
            P = round(P, 8) 
            txt = str(P) 
            b.markdown('<p class="big-font">{}</p>'.format(txt), unsafe_allow_html=True) 

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