
Gary Gensler - Professor Who Taught Blockchain & Money at MIT is Going to Become SEC Chairman

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2 min read


A few days my youtube feed showed a series of lectures on Blockchain and Money from MIT that talks about Bitcoin, Crypto, Blockchain and Money. I started watching it and found it to be very interesting and educational. It is available on youtube and MIT's website for free and the full course consists of 24 lectures. I watched a few of them already, and recommend to everybody who wants to learn more about blockchain and money.

Here is the link for the first lecture on youtube. In the description of the video there is a link that take to the full course page that has more details about the course, course materials, and reading list links.

Today, I came across the news article from Wall Street Journal with a headline Gary Gensler, Biden’s Pick to Head SEC, Approved by Senate Committee with an image of the nominee as displayed at the top of the post. This is the same person who teaching Bitcoin, Crypto & Blockchain at MIT. Now those lectures became even more interesting to me to understand how the government is going to be making regulatory decisions on crypto which may affect most of us crypto enthusiasts, hodlers, and traders.

While I don't know much about Gary Gensler, I find this to be a great news, just from what I have seen from the lectures so far. It seems to be he is super smart and has a deep understanding of crypto.

Here are some outlines from one of his slides.

Blockchain Technology

  • Verifiably moves 'data' on a decentralized network
  • The 'data' can represent value or computer code
  • Thus it goes directly to the plumbing of the financial sector and money
  • Broad adoption rests on addressing technical, commercial, and public policy hurdles
  • It can be a catalyst for change in the world of finance and money

I would like to emphasize the last description he gives for blockchain. It can be a catalyst for change in the world of finance and money. In fact, it seemed to me he was viewing blockchain and bitcoin specifically as a next stage in the evolution of money.

This makes me more bullish in Bitcoin and Crypto in general. I don't know what government will do as far as regulations in the future. But it is good to know someone with a solid knowledge and understanding will be leading one of the top agencies like SEC.

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