
avatar of @gillianpearce
1 min read

Thanks for this Luke. It will be a handy reference when I'm trying to explain blockchains and cryptos to anyone who is interested. Sadly, I find, most are not.

The biggest problem with trying to get the message out, I think, is that people don't understand how "real" money works. They don't get the trust element and think that the piece paper or coin is infallible.

FIO sounds like a great project. I have a question . . .

With the big rise in BTC price there has been a lot of talk about wallets and safety including personal safety, i.e. being a target for extortion. It's not something I've ever considered before but it got me thinking . . . there is now a load of stuff out there, especially via Steemit that would easily identify where I live if someone wanted to do so.

That got me thinking that I wish I'd never used my real name on my account. When I signed up I'd assumed I'd be able to change it if I wanted to.

Having always been an "I have nothing to hide" kind of person I'm now wondering whether it might be prudent to be a bit more circumspect.

Probably too late now since my blogs are already on the blockchain.

And now I've forgotten what the questions was . . . 

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