
The Best Way to Get Started in Crypto

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3 min read

I know there are many different great ways to get started with Bitcoin and crypto, but the way I got started I feel is the best.

I’m sure some people won’t agree with me, but hopefully, if they give the article a chance they’ll at least understand why I think so.

Earning Crypto

I can’t think of a better way to start earning crypto than blogging about something you’re passionate about. I also can’t think of a better place to start blogging about crypto than Hive.

Hive has been around for years, survived a hostile takeover, and despite it being an “inflationary cryptocurrency” has been a great way for me to build my crypto portfolio.

If I can find it I’d link it here, but I believe even Andreas Antonopoulos said the best way to obtain Bitcoin was to earn it.

Browser Wallet’s

Using a browser wallet like MetaMask is great, but it can be expensive to learn how to trade and make transfers on a blockchain like Ethereum.

With pretty much free transaction on Hive and great browser wallet options like Hive Keychain, I can’t think of a better way to learn how to set it up, approve dapps, send transfers, etc to better learn how to interact with blockchains.


It also does a great job teaching you about your keys and how to manage them as well. Since your username is your address in Hive it makes it even easier to learn instead of random numbers and letters.

Splinterlands, DCity, Rising Start, and Other P2E Games

P2E = Play to Earn. Hive has numerous play-to-earn games and since transactions on Hive are pretty much free it’s a great way to get started with these games.

Splinterlands is consistently the top blockchain P2E game for months now across multiple blockchains for a number of users and daily volume and has been a great investment for me so far.

You can also earn cards by blogging about your battles and how much you love Splinterlands as well on

Learn About NFTs

Want an NFT, but could never afford one on Ethereum because of the expensive gas fees. Then purchase a Punk on Hive.

Want to sell some of your art as an NFT, but can’t afford to mint it on Ethereum and Open Sea because of the expensive fees, then check out

Hive is a great place to begin to speculate on NFTs that are cheap and affordable with transaction prices that won’t break the bank.

Participate in DeFi

I’ve talked about Leofinance and the tools they have developed, but the DeFi project called Cub Finance is by far one of my favorites and was the first time I got to experience Defi.

With them getting ready to expand onto another chain, LeoFinance will have a bridge to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon (Soon TM).

DCity also has brought Defi on-chain to Hive with their BeeSwap that I recently learned about as well.

Key Management

With Hive it’s important that you understand the different keys that are created with your account and how to manage them.

Since you’re just beginning your crypto journey and make a mistake and accidentally give someone access to your private keys it will hopefully only cost you a few dollars and will be able to recover your account.

With other blockchains, there is no way to recover your account and you will be out whatever funds and NFTs you had in your wallet.


Hive is a great way to get started earning and learning about crypto. The low transaction and gas costs allow you to experiment with P2E, transactions, and DeFi all without breaking the bank.

You get paid on platforms like LeoFinance and many other great communities to share about what you learn and provide great comments on articles you enjoyed.

If you started your crypto journey with Hive and have other great reasons it was a great place to start let me know in the comments below. If you got started somewhere else and think that was better let me know where and why as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta