
Become An Engagement Magnet & Make Comments For Money

avatar of @hitmeasap
5 min read

There, I said it. You are looking for money and even though you claim to be here for the community in first hand, we all know that money is a big factor for you to be here. It's undeniable facts and there's nothing to be ashamed about. Money plays a huge role in our lives and we have a superb opportunity with Hive and it's tribes to change our lives in various ways. Those changes would not happen if it weren't for the money, or perhaps I should say without the value of our beloved tokens.

I have often talked about how important engagement is and how the lack of engagement has a negative impact on the overall success/growth of Hive, but I figured I would try to say these things differently this time. I want people to truly understand the why, how and what, so I'll do my best to explain this to all of you in the most easy-to-understand way I can.

  • A social platform should be social.
  • A social platform without the social aspect is a non-social or an asocial platform.
  • Hive is supposed to be social.

We want Hive to thrive and we want Hive to reach new heights. Most of us knows that "the masses" are one step closer towards those goals and that is the main reason for all the marketing we see on Twitter for instance. People are doing what they can- and what they believe is the best thing for Hive. They are trying to spread the word. They want #hive to spread like wildfire so we get more people on board.

While I most certainly appreciate those good deeds, even though I personally think that the actual marketing technique, or approach is a bit incorrect or wrong, or that some of these "marketers" are trying to target the "wrong" type of people, I truly appreciate their efforts.

It is amazing to see the combined efforts taking place, and the Hive-Twitter marketing is a fantastic example of how powerful we can be as long as we work together. The incredible amount of engagement we see within the daily @leomarkettalk posts is another awesome example of how much we can do as a team, as long as we are working towards the same goals.

What I want people to understand is that engagement, or in other words comments are extremely important for the growth and success of #hive. Engagement is important for various reasons and some of them might be more obvious than others. It obviously depends on how you see things.

Simon Sinek, a popular speaker and thought leader, (and one of my favorite speakers), has a special take on motivation and driving behaviors. He talks about something that he calls "The Golden Circle" and how that is made of three circles: What, How, and Why.

I won't talk about that though, but I will use those words to explain things further. I need to answer three different questions, without anyone asking.

  • Why is engagement so important?

As I have already mentioned in this article, you need to socialize on a social platform. You cannot have a non-social social media platform. Such platforms doesn't exist or last long. We want Hive to thrive.

  • How will that benefit us?

Engagement benefits us in various ways, both short- and long term. Shortsighted people builds an audience, earn rewards and gain credibility and recognition which makes them more likely to earn more rewards over time. People who are in this long term are likely to have all the things a shortsighted person gets, but they will also put in more effort over time which is likely to yield them even greater results.

Those are the immediate benefits, the results that will come quickly and build over time. There's another important thing here though. The most important part if you ask me.

  • What engagement actually does for the platform.

Outsiders, meaning people who are not yet on Hive, are likely to be more interested if they see engagement on the platform. The more comments they see, the more active the platform looks. No one wants to join an empty place. It doesn't matter if it's the best place in the world or not. If no one else is around, most people will walk away and refuse to enter.

Comments makes Hive (or the tribes) look like an active and healthy place, where people wants to be. We don't force people to come here. We don't force them to be active, or to contribute. It's entirely up to each person to decide for themselves, but if we have thousands of active and engaging users around here, we are very likely to get thousands of more users just for the sake of this place being active, because it spreads like wildfire.

  • What are you supposed to do?

Make comments. It doesn't cost you more than a few seconds to make a comment. How about spending let's say 10 minutes per day on the platform you "truly believe in" or the "community you love so much" and actually become one of the reasons for this place to take off? - It starts with a single comment.

Engagement Magnet

It doesn't matter if you are active on, if you are using peakd, leofinance or the proofofbrain interface. It doesn't matter if you are heavily invested in Hive and ignore the tribes or if it's the other way around. Perhaps you're more interested in LEO than POB, or POB than LEO.. Everything is connected to Hive, because everything is Hive, so we're fine either way.

What I mean with engagement magnet is basically someone who draws attention and someone who gets comments on their content. Someone who, in one way or another has people making comments on their content. You could become a "magnet" in various ways, but one of the easiest ways, at least for me, was to reply to my audiences comments and to be active.

I am not the largest stake holder on Hive or any of the tribes. I don't have the largest following, the highest reputation and I am not the highest paid author in any of the communities. Despite those things, I have been able to get a total of 258 comments in total on my 5 last articles.

These are the stats:


I know that some users out there gets a lot more comments than that and others have less. That's not the point I am trying to make. What I want you to understand is that it is possible to get comments on the content you publish, even though there's an overall lack of engagement on Hive.

Sure, it might obviously depend on what you publish, but it's also a matter of how you treat your audience. Why should they interact and make comments on your content? - There's those 3 words again.

Treat your audience with respect and the least you can do is to respond to their comments. Answer their questions or thank them. Show them that you actually care about your audience. That's how you will get them to come back in the future.

Be active and make comments elsewhere. If not on other users content, be active in the daily @leomarkettalk posts. You'll be able to meet new people, make friends and have great discussions. It's also a superb opportunity to increase the overall engagement numbers and it's an amazing source to get new ideas. You don't have to spend hours making comments. Spend 10 minutes per day and you'll still boost the overall engagement per week a lot. We need to combine our efforts. We need more comments.

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