
New Habit Unlocked: Hold Some Liquid Hive & HBD

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2 min read

July 25th was an interesting day in Hive ecosystem and I believe it will be hard to forget for some time. Today we remembered the importance of having some liquid tokens aside in case of an immediate need for a surprise update or pump.

Traditionally, HBD (Hive-backed Dollar) pumps often happen in an ordinary crypto year. For no reason, our Korean friends trade HBD (though stable for a while) for a couple of bucks and open the gates for arbitragers and HBD holders to make gains.

Though most of us have HBD in Hive Savings to get 20% APR for our stablecoin, we remembered the fact that traditional HBD pump day may arrive all of a sudden! Today I was able to enjoy this crazy event thanks to: pHBD on PolyCUB.

Cross-chain HBD: Enjoying Korean Pump

I've some liquidity on pHBD-USDC stablecoin pool on PolyCUB and I share my investment journey every week. The pHBD pool itself is pretty beneficial for both Hive ecosystem and PolyCUB as there is liquidity cycle feeding both sides. Today, I traded my 1 pHBD for 1.70 USDC thanks to Cross-chain HBD on Polygon Network 🔥

As you know, existing HBD markets are not available for countries aside from Korea. Thus, I think we need new CEX listing for HBD so that we can arbitrage the token easily to keep it stable.

HBD is precious for our ecosystem. Each HBD locks Hive token and pushes the price upward. Besides, each believer of the project puts their HBD into Hive Savings for 20% sustainable APR! The token itself is a win-win for everyone!

CUB v2 -> More Need for Liquid Hive & HBD!

You may question why does it matter to have Hive and HBD on Hive ecosystem if the operations of CUB Finance are on Binance Smart Chain?

Actually, there are several cross-chain bridges for Hive assets. If you want to use Hive-Polygon, Hive-Ethereum and Hive-BSC bridges, LeoBridge will help you a lot!

Wleo (LeoBridge) is the first stop if you want to go cross-chain, make arbitrage and expend your Hive adventure.

Why would you do so?

For Juicy APR Up to 2,240% and liquid Hive assets on other chains.

Never forget that the liquid Hive assets will have a bag in our Hive portfolio. Some will be for HBD pumps (especially in Bull Market) and some will be for Cross-chain Hive projects such as PolyCUB and CUB Finance.

Jokes aside, Hive assets such as Hive, HBD, SPS, LEO are not only used for their utility but also for their value in Decentralized Finance. It may be better to be watchful about the updates on Hive projects and keep some HBD on Hive wallet, pHBD or bHBD to enjoy surprising pumps in the price of HBD.

I owe many thanks to PolyCUB projects as it would not be possible for me to make gains from arbitrage and crazy pumps in HBD!

Do you hold cross-chain Hive assets?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta