
Trying to Develop a Sustainable Habit of Saving Money

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3 min read

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Saving money in this era has become one of the most challenging things ever since the rise of inflation.

In our country inflation is at worse cuz of economic situation and everything here is too costly while minimum wage is still low. So, meeting financial needs is all a person wants in everyday life.

I don't want to make inflation a excuse of not saving Money instead I'm trying to make a sustainable habit of Savings in such condition.

Saving Money in Inflation: Challenge or Excuse

For some people inflation is an excuse for not saving Money as I personally tell myself everytime I exceed budget that it happened cuz Bread is Expensive.

while other see inflation as a challenge and now I'm willingly going to take this by developing a sustainable habit which is tough but possible.

Countless benefits

Situations like inflation makes Person mindset more stronger and responsible. A person will try to adjust life accordingly to that situation and one must become tougher facing it and will be more better at creating solutions.

So, this is reason I think developing a sustainable habit of saving money in current time will give benefit in future.

A sustainable Habit of Saving Money

My parents used to have different strategies to teach us this Skill of saving Money.

Such as they always give me limited and fixed amount to spend known as pocket money.

Once it's finish, I can't get more money before right time. so, I can learn how to spend money wisely.

After growing up I started understanding those lessons and applying in life is going to make things real ease.

Image by Kris from Pixabay

1. Knows my Needs and Wants

To develop this Habit of Saving I will need to control myself from spending money on my wants rather than needs.

Priority should be fulfilling Needs and by don't over spend on thing's I want cuz it isn't necessarily or important.

We humans do get confuse in needs or wants which can be easily adjusted or separated by knowing what is your everyday, weekly or monthly Needs and spend budget accordingly while holding on Wants and making a Goal to get it later.

2. Creating Limit of Spending

I have tried it is possible to create limit like there's always a Limit of using mobile, limit of playing Game, limit of sleeping, eating and so on goes same with Spending.

For everyday setting a limit of spending i.e: $1, it's in human phycology to follow what brain says and if it agree with $1 than it becomes easy to save by spending in limit.

3. Bargaining

This works everytime buying a product other than grocery as it is fixed price not set by individual.

While buying from locals bargaining makes sense when prices are set by them and is easy to get bargain while they still keep profits.

Haven't seen anyone selling In loss and mom used to bargain while shopping and it always creates a big difference in price.

So, one can easily save good enough money from bargaining.

Wrapping up...

This is all I'm applying to save money just 3 simple things. It is already a habit of mine and working fine.

It is sustainable and still I think can become more better when there's more sources of income.

Depends on person, everyone has own strategy to save money and this is mine learnt from parents.

I hope you found it interesting and do let me know your thoughts about it and saving money in comments.

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Thanks for reading.

All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 02/03/2023.

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