
5 Tips for Frugal Living to help you save more

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3 min read

Frugal living is the key to a better life. Investing in your savings, instead of squandering your money, can help you live well. The first step towards living frugally is to be more aware of how you are spending your money. So, take a look at your finances and think of ways in which you can save more.
Saving money is hard, we know. Frugal living can be a challenge, and we aren't saying that anyone has to live like a monk to save money. There are apps and tools out there that help automate your savings, track your spending, cut your costs and give you more bang for your buck. Most of these apps and tools are free or at least cost very little.

Look Out For Hidden Costs

When you go to a grocery shop, make a note of the prices of the product and its weight of it. This will help you estimate the total cost of the shopping. The total cost is calculated by multiplying the price per ounce or gram with the weight of that particular item. As you shop, avoid buying overpriced items.

Check Your Bills

If you have been receiving any bills online, manually check through them and make sure that what they say is true. Make sure that you are not overcharged for any service or product. You can also see if there are services or products that you don't need. If so, then cancel them immediately.

Cut down on your daily Starbucks run.

A $4 coffee run once or twice a day adds up to $100 a month (if you spend $4 per day), and $1,200 a year. As a general rule, anything you buy regularly, you can do without. Instead, try brewing black coffee at home. It's yummy and costs pennies per cup.

Pay yourself first

You need to have your own savings account. Automate your finances with the tons of apps and tools out there available to help so you can make saving easier. At the same track your spending, and keep tabs on where your money is going each month so you can see where you may need to cut back.

Make a budget as this will help ensure you are living within your means and not overspending. Cut costs where you can, there are many ways to save money on everyday expenses, such as by cooking at home or comparison shopping.

Invest in yourself

One of the best things you can do for your future is to invest in yourself through education or training. Try to live below your means as it is important to spend less than you earn so that you can have room to save and invest for the future.

Have an emergency fund account as a savings account where you put money that you will only use in case of an unforeseen event, such as a job loss or unexpected medical bill. Having this cushion will help you avoid going into debt if something unexpected comes up.

Also, try to save for retirement now because the sooner you start saving for retirement, the better off you will be later in life. Consider creating goals and sticking to them. This is because having specific financial goals will help keep you focused on what is important and stay motivated to achieve them. It is important that you be patient, remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a healthy savings account


Learning frugality is about finding ways to do more with less. It is about controlling your spending so you can pay off debt, save for retirement, and start investing. Frugality can be liberating since it allows you to pursue your passions while creating a less expensive life.

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