
SunThursday Contest Edition 19 / On the edge of the river

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2 min read

SunThursday Contest Edition 19 /

On the edge of the river

Vietnam is known as the land of the rising Sun, primarily being that its coastline bases to the east so you get amazing sunrises anywhere, however finding sunsets is a bit more challenging.

There is one location that has some epic sunsets in the city, it's appear overlooking the mouth of the river as it spills into the bay.

Here overlooking the harbor the mountains in the distance provide a spectacular backdrop for fiery orange sunset.

I've been here a few times for the sunset, this time actually got to catch it on my phone and here are some photos from this remarkable moment.

This is also my entry into the "Sunset Thursday Contest"

If you wish more information about this event you could check it out right here :

Just look at that flaming slice of pepperoni.

It's dropping like it's hot... As it is hot... Very hot.

This was it a little before it set, remarkable with the reflection on the water.

I also took a photo of it with a little bit of a wider angle lens. So epic

Here is just the reflection in the water, those dancing little gems of light

and if I look a bit to the right mountains in the distance, beckoning to be explored

this is the last few moments when the sun turned fiery red is a dip below the clouds but still burning bright

Then gone... Like a dream... This moment passed.

stillness, the quietness of night setting in. Time to go home and make dinner.

I hope you enjoy these sunset photos and they inspired you to get out there be amazing!! :D

Much love friends.

Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow

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