
avatar of @jeremycrow
1 min read

I agree 100% and if you read carefully you'll see that I didn't technically say that I would be doing a 78 card deck. I personally feel that Crowley didn't go far enough with the changes he made to the Tarot because he was trying to keep his Tarot backwards compatible with the standard Waite deck in his era. Have you seen the weird loop with a twist in the end to explain his answer to the statement in the Book of the Law about Tzadi not being The Star? It's unnecessarily complicated. I have completely abandoned the Hebrew letter associations with the Major Arcana, but even still if I was Crowley trying to reconcile that issue I would have changed the position of at least 12 cards and not just two. Some of the aspects of my own deck are the result of contemplating that whole situation. All that being said, I do have a love of Tarot. I've been actively studying it for about 2/3rds of my life at this point and had been influenced by it for many years earlier. I'm not interested in completely abandoning tradition. I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water, so to speak. I have nothing against creating a unique Oracle deck, but for this project I am intending to create a Tarot deck specifically. I'm breaking with Tradition in the ways that matter to me and keeping the parts that I think are valuable. Thanks so much for your feedback! I hope you'll stick around to see how it goes!

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