
Wealth Is Nothing Without Health

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1 min read

Hello Everyone,

As humans we all chase to build wealth which is a good thing. While we continue to do so it is important to pay attention to our health which is major in determining whether we enjoy what we work for.

Wealth means many things to different people. For me I consider it to include having enough money coupled with been healthy and physically fit as without the latter it wouldn't be worth it.

People sometime neglect their health by caring less for it as they ought to but overwork their body by chasing after riches then ending up leaving it all early to the cold hands of death when it could have been prevented.

After suffering to an illness earlier this year in the quest to acquire more money at the expense of my health, I was hit with a reality check hence reconsidering my ways and focusing on that which is equally important.

The healthier we are, the longer we get to enjoy the work our labor. Everyone working hard to gather wealth must realize that without the body there's nothing we can do to achieve the results we desire financially. Health is the greatest wealth and should be treated so.

Thanks for Reading

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