
Genesis League Sport (GLS) Town Hall Meeting

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2 min read

Genesis League Sport (GLS) Town Hall Meeting

Hi Hivers

One of the leading GameFi platforms, genesis league sport is getting ready to commence the year 2023 in a big way. On the 20th January, the team has called up for a town hall meeting which is a possible means to re-strategize, bring out a productive roadmap that would be proficient enough to guide us through this year. The slated time for the meeting is by 2:00pm EST; to know more about this, click on this link or simply follow on Twitter @GenesisLSports.


This GameFi platform is initiated by the #splinterlands team who developed a card game which is prominent in the #web3 community.

Splinterlands is a free-to-play card game that could be played with a browser or on your mobile phone. The uniqueness of the game is that it is a play2earn game, meaning that every card that you obtain in the game be it in NFTs or a non-fungible token is yours and could be sold in the marketplace to gain money. All items collected value for exchange; you can either sell your cards or rent them out, then you get paid with the in-game currency called the Dark Energy Crystal (DEC). This DEC is worth being in the marketplace too.

Similarly, genesis league sport is a play2earn soccer game which one can earn passively without participating in the game. One outstanding way is to stake more on #glx tokens and also claim its staked rewards.

Yay! The purpose of this article was to share information regarding the town hall meeting. I definitely hope you will join us and have more reasons to invest in #splinterlands after the meeting.

Thank You For Reading

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