
Attracting The Right Kind Of Attention On Twitter

avatar of @jongolson
3 min read


Especially in the crypto space seem to be more concerned about TikTok views rather than actually using this Web3 stuff. And yeah, the jury is still out on how easy it is to onboard and actually use this stuff, but I can't help think...

What if?

What if someone with some clout, started talking about Hive and actually using this blockchain every single day. Over the years, I've heard @theycallmedan mention this countless times..."All it takes is one!"

One influencer.

One creator with an entrepreneurial mind that will become the first 'traditional mainstream influencer' to actually use...Web3!

It got me thinking out loud, and I thought I'd share my thougths with the blockchain community to perhaps, spearhead an initiative to get Hive noticed by someone who could really help bring awareness to the chain.

A few things:

  1. I know people may argue, we're not ready for mainstream adoption. Have you ever heard of 'getting ready forever'? When exactly will we be 'ready'? If Hive gets noticed by some big accounts in social media, it will bring more development and more attention to perhaps...Help onboarding become easier.

  2. And I know some people will say....Screw the traditional influencers. And I'm ALL FOR building our own community here. I love watching people grow on Hive and get rewarded for sharing their passions...But influencers...Well...Influence. And if we get them talking about Hive, I think it would be a great thing.

  3. This is again, just an idea rolling around in my head. Would love to see where it goes and develop it into something really fun for the entire community to take part in.

O.K., the idea....

Crypto still lives on Twitter. For better or for worse, it's the place where most crypto enthusiasts go for news, gossip and scandal in the space.

And there are a lot of VERY influential people on Twitter.

We would create some kind of hashtag, and again I'm just spitballing ideas here: #elononhive

Every day, we would tag (for this example Elon Musk) and remind him that he's still not on Hive....

We could have fun with it and create some graphics to go along with the campaign and share with the influencer, why they should be on Hive.

And the game plan is....Not to spam the crap out of them, but to have fun with it. Joke about the fact, no one seems to notice the 'real Web3' blockchain that everyone wants to build...Etc...

Perhaps @hivecreators could come up with some sneaky little ideas and landing pages as well for the campaign, but I think it could potentially generate some buzz and heck, even more people coming to see what's being built here!

But again....Just an idea rolling around in my head, so I'd love to hear what you guys think?

Side note: I know how HUGE the Hive community can be on Twitter. From the classic @NathanMars projects over the years, to seeing what @Acidyo is building with POSH tokens...We could be a force on Twitter, if we coordinate and strategically raise awareness for Hive.

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