
Jongo's Daily Formula

avatar of @jongolson
3 min read

Every Saturday night, I do #myhivegoals post! In these posts, I target goals I wish to achieve each and every year, and document them weekly. How much I have earned and how much further I need to do...

The easy answer why this has been a success is because for the past few years I just show up and put in the effort!

But I noticed a trend in some comments over the past few weeks...

A lot of people stated they hoped to reach the levels I have set for myself but wanted to know...


...So I decided that I should break this down into the little 'formula' I've been using in my business and life for years now.

Best selling author and personal development expert Brian Tracy famously stated:

"People over estimate what they can achieve in a day, but under estimate what they can in a year!"

This always stuck with me...

So if I have yearly goals that are never really 'out of reach' if I push myself, the most important thing I can do is work on the daily goals. But these daily goals can't be too 'big' or else I'll end up frustrated, defeated and give up.

Think about it...

Everyone says they want to have 10,000 Hive or Leo Power. This is a fantastic goal and a target that can really set you up for some big success down the road. However, if one was to try to accumulate that overnight, without deep deep pockets, they will fail and guess what...More than likely, give up!

But what about those yearly goals...Broken down into bite sized chunks?

Why don't we do some simple math to see what is needed daily, to achieve this in a year.

To earn 10,000 Hive / LEO power in a year, we would have to accumulate 27.4 tokens a day.

Look at that...That's a lot easier to achieve than say...10,000!

Wanna earn 100,000 power a year?

You need to figure out how to earn and accumulate 274 power a day!

But maybe, you want to go slow and 10k or 100k just aren't in the cards right now....

No problem, 1000 Hive / LEO power a year is simply....2.74 power a day!

This is achievable for basically anyone on this chain that does show up, and put in the work each and every day. You see, that's the best thing about this blockchain. If you put in the effort and keep showing up each and every day, this is pretty much automatic.

And a show of hands who could use an extra 1000 Hive or Leo power this year?

I know I could!!!

The lesson and the entire formula that I use has been to break goals down into daily ones. And these daily goals are NEVER out of reach. I know that when I put in the effort daily, they will accumulate and then the power of the blockchain does it's thing.

Here's something to print out, to write down, and just remember each and every day you are putting in the work on the blockchain on your yearly goals:

1000 Hive / LEO Power = 2.74 Power / Day 10,000 Hive / LEO Power = 27.4 Power / Day 100,000 Hive / LEO Power = 274 Power / Day

Now combine this with the advice by @taskmaster4450 who has stated numerous times...

"If you wanna grow your account, show up and comment more! Make 500 comments and then see how well your account has grown..."

Powerful stuff!

Remember, we will over estimate what we can do in a day, so let's make the goals we set for ourselves daily...Achievable!

Then in 365 days from now, look back and smile at how you have grown on your blockchain journey!

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