
AI & The Establishment Of Subconscious Impasse On Hive

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4 min read

It's hard to predict human nature because people come up with justifiable reasons as to why they do the things they do. While "Mr. A" coins a reason for an initial action, "Mr. B" comes up with a defendable reason as to why they're responding differently to the initial action by "Mr. A".

At the end of the day, a resolution is mostly not achieved and the only thing that happens is a repetitive process where an impasse becomes the endgame. For example, I've been to a popular market where almost everyone is trying to dupe you out of your hard-earned money.

The excuse is that everyone is into business for profit

Looking at these traders/service providers, they all seemed legit, but their underlying intention is to mostly make more money off you than actually delivering a quality product/service for the money you're paying. If you catch them in this act of thievery, they're most likely to say they've got a family to feed, they've got the rentals to take care of or inflation keeps eating up their profit and then they'll need to make money off their customers to settle these niggling money demands.

Most times you're likely not to see these traders because they shift their base immediately after they sell a bad product to you, onto the next person, and most times when you catch up with them and choose to come up with a corresponding reaction, they'll keep finding ways to defend themselves.

It's a endless process

Sometimes they lie in the process and at the end of the day, if you seek legal redress against these guys, the case will end up being thrown out in court, because a resolution will never be attained. Most times we choose to react to things based on jealousy, envy, fear, and greed, but it's hard to admit that these are the reason why we react to certain things.

People are used to hiding their intent under the guise of noble reasons, and even if they're eventually caught, they'll come up with justifiable reasons, this creates a series of disagreements that eventually causes strife.

I've watched the AI content issue for a while on hive, and the discussion ends up in an impasse because both the defendants and accusers come up with a reasonable reason as to why they're right. I do believe this is the beginning of disagreement over what is right and what is wrong concerning AI content.

Realistically, it's difficult to tackle controversial issues

......because understanding is never achieved and when understanding is never achieved, misconceptions are created and enemies are eventually made. Money, for example, is a controversial issue and that's why it'll remain the biggest issue where constant disagreement will always ensue.

In Nigeria, the money redesign policy failed woefully, and instead of the Central Bank of Nigeria admitting that they've made a terrible mistake with this policy, they keep defending its actions by saying it was for the greater good.

Ego & Nobility justifies means

The people who have suffered from the total capitulation of this policy have come up with understandable reasons as to why the government should double down and make it up to the citizens, but the government would never because they're the government and they're meant to be unmistakable despite their numerous flaws. One of the mistakes of people when it comes to money issues is the inability to establish a resolution.

Things like anger and a sense of rightness make people blind to their blind spots. There are times when rightness or wrongness does not matter anymore, but money disputes are very difficult to settle because of the possibility of loss or gain, people hold on to certain rigid ideologies, rather than establish flexibility to establish progress.

The AI brouhaha

Back to hive, I think a concrete resolution might never be achieved when it comes to AI content creation. What will happen is that factions will be created, and people will join different factions with the deeper intent of buying acceptance and endearment from the leaders of these factions. "Factions A" will see "Faction B" as the enemy and vice versa and the voice of reasoning will be eventually lost.

Now, it's normal to establish rightness to cause, especially when people look at issues from only one angle, this eventually leads to stagnancy. An African proverb says " when two elephants fight, it's mostly the grass that suffers".

The grass in this analogy is the chain itself

The concentration on growth and scalability dwindles under faction wars and people eventually lose sight of what matters more. Ego and pride are something else.

Egotistic intents hardly die, this is why people create bureaucracy rather than establishing simplicity which matters more for speed and progress. In reality, I'm not a fan of AI content, I don't think it brings that wantability factor which can be contradictory, but handling it with a "gun-and-bomb" approach which creates an impasse, an endless argument that will lead to turf war and disagreement.

The voice of reasoning is needed to slowly eradicate it (AI creation) the "gun-and-bomb" approach is mostly something we should only see in web2-based platforms. Agreement and resolution are crucial at the end of the day, and this is mostly because of achieving Hive's ultimate goal & endgame: Scalability.

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A Case Of Theft On Hive: Here's Why Some People Choose Scam.

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