
Intrinsically Or Extrinsically Motivated: What Is Your Standing?

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4 min read


Each and every human action is driven by a purpose, an intention and a goal which is the end game and this is where Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation comes from. But how does this influence things like career choices, the opportunity cost involved in money or passion, how it often determines people's choices and what we should cultivate in our course of existence. 

Firstly, in life people can be Intrinsically and extrinsically motivated at the same time, it depends on what seem valuable individually to each and every human being. When you look at the prefix, you'll see "In" and "ex" it means; driven by internal and external factors. This is practically what comes in play when people are choosing their careers. 

In the world currently money is the base element that makes it easier to run our lives successful, so when it becomes the reasons why we chose a job over another, it means a person is already extrinsically motivated because like it or not, money is an external motivation no matter how it takes are of our internal needs. So many people have gone into entrepreneurship simply because they are driven to want more. This means that in the beginning, a prospective entrepreneur is extrinsically motivated, if not they would actually prefer to remain contented with the amount of money they are receiving in a particular company or organization. 

However, along the line of entrepreneurship people who are only extrinsically motivated find it difficult to believe in their dream and ambition of having a successful business especially if they are plans haven't yielded dividends in three to five years time of starting up their own business. This also shows that there are times that people should be intrinsically motivated because this is how they would get sustain the hope and drive to continually work to reach the peak in their business or career. 

Via Bitmoji

Take for example, a person who is an accomplished lawyer, very comfortable with his finances and has enough money to live the kind of life he wants but still he couldn't find any fulfillment despite all the money. Now take for example that this lawyer decided to go into stand-up comedy or become an artist. 

It is possible for us to say that the reason why he chose law as his first career choice was because he had studied his environment and discovered law to be very lucrative. But he might continuously do stand-up comedy or engage in his paintings and still fail to be monetarily successful, but then he continues nonetheless. Sometimes people who are intrinsically motivated has a different definition of success and this is why they actually continue until they can derive the general definition of success accepted by the society in general. 


In summary: being intrinsically motivated can be considered to be selfless. This means that our willingness to deliver a particular talent or ability isn't driven by monetary gains. In fact, the aim is to find fulfillment and acceptance, and monetary value is only an added incentive most of the time. However, it is difficult to be completely intrinsically motivated especially in the inflated world where we live in and where money is needed to do almost everything in life. 

This is why in our base core, we always ask "what's in it for us" whenever we're undergoing a venture. This means that psychologically, every human being wants to be rewarded for each and every effort they put into a particular thing. But then we have to explicitly understand our standings because at our base core we are extrinsically motivated and only develop intrinsic tendencies from infancy till maturity stage as an attitude or behavior. 

Nevertheless, we should understand no matter how motivated we are, either internally or externally. We are not limited by how we should be motivated. The truth is that there is a little catch. The world has made it predestined that we would need money to do things. This is why consistency in actually believing in our intrinsic abilities eventually pays off over time. 

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

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