
Splinterlands: why I'll Stick To Earning Gold Chest.

avatar of @josediccus
4 min read

When I started the previous splinterlands season, the goal was to actually earn gold chests, so that I could at least get a Chaos legion pack. This is because it's quite tough to earn choas packs with Silver chests. This isn't to say that it's impossible. For example, one can earn 40 silver Chests without even getting any chaos pack. On the other hand, it's more difficult to earn gold chest, but after conducting my research and doing a few experiments, I've discovered that I now prefer to earn gold chest over silver ones. On average, I earn close to 30 silver chests in a season, while the highest number of gold chest I've ever won is 11. (Which happens to be last season)

However, in the season when I've gotten 9 gold chests, I still prefer the content of this chest to almost every time I've earned a silver chest. I've done the math, and every time I've earned a gold chest, I've ended up getting a Chaos legion pack. Why I'm I even after chaos packs, this is because they add a noticeable dollar value to the normal value of a season's reward. However, it's been disappointing opening these CL packs, when I could have HODLed it or sold it and used the proceeds to buy hive. However, I haven't done so. I think everyone can relate to having a pack.

There's always this feeling of potential FOMO when you own a pack. Of course, there's a possibility you might lose by opening it, but there's this stability of earning a certain figure when you're selling it. It's like the dilemma that comes with HBD and Hive. However, I couldn't resist this FOMO so I opened the pack and it was a bunch of common and just one rare card. Hard luck. However, it's the first time I'm opening a pack since I stopped opening packs over a month ago. However, let's talk about something exciting. Rentals have since taken a huge hit since the soulbound cards became a thing. Indeed, these cards are not tradable, and hence it's difficult to see any value to them outside the premise of the game.

It's true that value is relative. Soulbound cards are exciting, it's different and better to own them than see or get some bunch of venari, the difference here is that venaris are almost worthless. Some top leaguers will indeed miss getting the previous types of cards they were used to. But soul-bound rewards are nothing short of exciting as well. I think a lot of people are looking to better their deck, especially when it comes to the aspect of gameplay, and what better way than soulbound cards? Splinterlands is 100% play/buy to earn, but the soulbound cards can virtually be earned by anyone from any league provided they have any sizeable skin in the game. (pun intended).

Now I don't know what the future of these types of cards would be, but if they were currently listed on the market, I don't think anyone would create any excitement about earning them, since they're accessible through the market. The fact that they're not accessible on the market makes them even better. Now, will they be exchangeable for DEC when burned? This I don't know too, however, the fact that they're only earnable through focus and season's reward makes them valuable in-game. So they'll not be treated as just rewards cards because they're different, unlike what's obtainable in the market.

So, I won't say my season's reward was bad it was decent. A legendary fire card with 2 units, one more and I'll have a decent level 2 legendary. The most exciting thing is that these reward cards also have summoners. Although I've not been able to increase the level of some of these summoners to maybe 2 or 3 so that I'll be able to use my normal deck to its full capacity, but I'm still glad that I got a fire summoner and an earth summoner. Although they're both common summoners, adding new summoners to my collection is something I'll always appreciate, any time.

However, I'm looking at the in-game value, at one point in time, these cards that aren't tradable might get another different monetary value, I really cannot say, but I just feel this isn't the end of the excitement and expectations for the soulbound cards. Now players will have no option but to play. I know this is definitely going to be difficult for bots since these reward cards are not tradable, they'll not be able to see these cards when they earn them.

Eventually, splinterlands INC cannot eat their cake and have it, they'll definitely going to sacrifice one aspect of the game for another part to flourish, so I think the rental market is the sector that's eventually going to suffer. At the end of the day, we'll retain some value to the market, as the massive selling of reward cards will eventually stop.

Like I said earlier, I think I'm going to stick with earning gold chests as silver chest is mostly quantity without depth. This Season's reward is absolutely better than the last, even if the pack that came with it contained nothing valuable or exciting. Let's go again for this new season.

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