
avatar of @krunkypuram
2 min read

Interesting! My comment has nothing to say on the content of this post. It is instead prompted by the main tag "cancelculture", the use of which I find amusingly ironic as I will try to lay out in brief below (details are all in the links):

  • you posted a comment on this post in response to a comment by @lols. Your response - an example of this very same #cancelculture (certainly as I see it) - triggered punitive action against this user, effectively cancelling him (you can read his experience here).
  • in the same thread you interacted with @oldoneeye who objected to what you said. In reply to what was, at most, a personal attack on YOU (alignment, IQ), you levelled the same charge of anti-semitism at him (via the meme he used to illustrate your position as he saw it) as you had at lols. You also yourself made a couple of unpleasant, below-the-belt suggestions (which btw, did not get you 'cancelled' :). You can read Oldonneeye's thoughts on the matter here.
  • in the same thread again, when the 'anti-semitic' label was challenged and I asked you to provide some reasons as to why you consider the two memes in question to be anti-semitic, you ignored the invitation to clarify. I was moved to write about it myself, for the incident seemed to have struck a nerve with me.

Now, almost three months later, I saw this post and felt I would like to comment to round off this matter AFAIC. Unless of course you may be willing to list why you thought those memes to be anti-semitic and to openly discuss and explore a perspective that says that they cannot reasonably be said to be so. Of course, if the label may be applied subjectively, at will, and without particular consideration to actual context etc, why my good sir, is that not just a perfect example of this famous Cancel Culture that we speak of in action?

Mr. Hamilton, I'm not asking/expecting anything. You do what you like. This is the public blockchain, actions are still visible through the BLOCKS, and they still speak louder than words!

Please also accept a 100 percenter to add to that $500 fund, no sarcasm.


I'm taking the liberty of calling this to the attn. of @frot and @palikari123, as you guys were actively involved in that discussion too :)

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