
R-Planet - Major Update!

avatar of @l337m45732
2 min read


Yeah, like the did from Scary Movie that has the Scream mask. That kind of wazzzzup. Get the visual? Alright cool. Glad I was able to portray something that hopefully made you smirk or even laugh. We should all try to make someone smile at least once a day. It's just good karma and it makes you feel good. Did you remember to drink some water today? If not go do that now. The Twitter gods have shown me the next update for R-Planet. Make Alchemy Great Again! Everything here is pulled from the original Medium article here.

New Model for Inventors NFT Distribution

I've been into R-Planet for quite some time now. I watched the insane influx of players and the price of AETHER was unbelievable. If you had enough of the right NFT's staked you could make a monthly salary. Good times they were. Here we are today and the price of AETHER is down from a high of 0.0016 WAX to 0.000008 WAX. Almost 100% down since the high. It hurts but that's not what we're here to talk about. I don't want to even think about how much I invested in mining rigs. Anyway, in a couple weeks the distribution model for NFTs is getting an upgrade.

The main part of the game in the phase is creating elements. The first 600 people to create that element were given the FT and the NFT for the element making it hard for a lot of players to ever get the NFT. There is now a much more gamified way for these NFTs to be distributed. Along with the updated model, we get a 5x reduction of the WAX crafting fees and a 2x WAX increase of the Inventor Prize. So instead of the first 600 to invent the element getting the NFT, everyone that crafts the element within 24 hours will have a chance in a drawing to get one of the 600. Much more fair distribution. Here is a detailed breakdown of how this will work for the Inventor and all the other crafters. Players can craft more of the new element to get more tickets for the drawing that will happen 24 hours after the initial creation.

This will definitely help make the alchemy phase fun again. I only got one of the 600 of one element and never had a chance at more. Now that will change and everyone will have a chance as long as they craft that new element.

There will also be a UI update where you can see the new recipes and how long you have left to craft if you want to enter the drawing. Time to get inventing!

These updates roll out on the 14th so get your AETHER ready!

Thanks for reading. Lemme know if you play!

Goodbye and goodnight.

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