
Reason # 94895 You Should Use Brave Browser

avatar of @l337m45732
1 min read

I've written about Brave Brwoswer a few times for various reasons like protecting your privacy. It also has a built in crypto wallet, conference calls, decentralized search, Tor.. the list goes on. They recently ugraded the wallet and that's what I wanted to show you. It's beautiful in its simplicity like Chainlist. Cahinlist lets you add different chains to Metamask in 1 click. Now you can do the save right in your browser. How convenient.

Ethereum Networks

So Brave is really giving Metamask a run for its money here. Not only does the wallet support Ethereum, but you can add other chains. xDai, Harmony, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain... All the ones you can find on Chainlist. Basically now you don't need Metamask. Combine the incredible privacy features, hardware wallet support, and multi-chain support... why do I need an extension anymore? I can yield farm right in the brower natively. DeFi just got even more easy to use. It would be sick if you could have your Hive wallet there. I can dream.

Wanna use both Metamask and Brave's wallet? You can. Check the settings and you can either have the site Ask each time it needs a Web3 wallet, or you can set one to be the default. This is pretty sick. They've had a wallet for a while but this is next level. I fuckin love it.

So, did you download Brave yet?

Do yourself a favor and Uninstall Chrome.

Use Brave. Rise above. Stand for privacy. Stand for freedom.

Smoke a J.


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