
Review Decentralized Social Media

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2 min read

Hive is one the most outstanding social blogging platform. Since, steem is a centralized and not censorship resistant, hive offer freedom of speech. Current day, censorship is becoming common thing in big tech social media like twitter, facebook, IG and other social platforms. Hive offers freedom, censorship resistant and it is free. One of the weakness in hive that tagging is not free. Hastagging is owned by community. If you misuse of hashtag, you will get irrespective comment from the community owners of fans. freedom of speech is similar to hive but it is different some ways.

There is no corporate entity or single individual who owns or controls the Pocketnet. The Designer of the Pocketnet, Daniel Sachkov changed his main focus in the Summer of 2019 he is now doing research on further decentralization of blockchain technology that will benefit everyone. He handed control of the Project in accordance with the idea of a full decentralized social media architecture and design over to the community and the Nodes who run the Network. A team of capable, changing developers and community volunteers is working on the realisation of his Vision ever since. count reputation of the member to achieve higher value of votes.
You can use in the browser, or you can use the app that you can download in this link Click on PocketnetSetup.exe

The app is immutable though the domain name is taken down, you still can use as long as there are communities that run the nodes. is free speech media that do not allow porn contents. To take down the porn contents , users with higher rank can flag the posts the posts will be hidden. is a free speech platform for advocating freedom of speech. Racism will be flagged by higher members. In team, racism and porn are not freedom of speech.

Users will earn poc coin based on the reputation level .

Your reputation is the sum of your ratings calculated in the following way. Note, that users with reputation below 50 do not affect anyone's reputation or coin winnings. They can rate the content, but it does not affect reputation. 5=2 4=1 3=0 2=-1 1=-2 So, if you have two 5 start ratings and one 1 star rating, the total will be 2+2-2=2 is still beta. The team works on it is not from a corporation but small team. The team also needs support from developers to contribute to the development.

The reason we started this project almost three years ago and put in sleepless nights, weekends and our own money, is that we knew that this day was coming. Many people did not understand why we needed to build such a complex decentralized blockchain system (the only one of its kind) when it takes a few weeks to spin up any kind of a centralized social network nowadays.

To complete information, you can visit Do you own research of pocketnet.

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