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Algorithmic trading is the method of trading that involves using computer codes and software to open a trade and close the trades using automated pre-programmed trading instructions such as points of price movement in a fundamental market. Waiting for the current market conditions to match and once it matched with the predetermined trading criteria, trading algorithms can carry out the buying or selling order on behalf of the trader saving the trader's time by getting rid of the need to manually examine the markets. This type of trading try to influence the speed and beckoning resources of computers that has to do with human traders.

Algorithmic trading make it achievablele for an investor to invest and reserve the rewards very fast. Many investors fall victim to their feelings by being anxious and getting wariness during trading and buying costly but the algorithmic trading will take over the with accuracy, speed and also reduce the cost.

Since the algorithmic is carry out automatically, it have the advantage to make the trading more faster than that of the humans.

Trading with algorithmic can make it easier to scan and carry out many indicator faster since it is automated helps to trader to get more opportunities that are available at a better price and also helps the trader to avoid the pitfall by mistakenly putting in the wrong trade and fro the wrong price.

Algorithmic trading has the ability to eliminate the human emotions from the trading market because human emotions can lead them to make irrational decision.

It have the ability to provides an advantage as it lets the user to eliminate any errors of a trading system before you run it live.

The advantage of using automated trading is to reduced the transaction costs and with the use of algorithmic trading, traders won't have to spend much of their time monitoring the markets movement because the trades can be carry out without any continuous supervision.

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