
Are you listening now?

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1 min read

Okay, so the richest man in the world with 43.8m Twitter followers changed his profile to read “#bitcoin” and tweeted, “In retrospect, it was inevitable.”

Are you listening now?

Good. Start here:

Learn what cryptocurrency is. Spend this weekend learning. Scrape together some cash you’re willing to lose (you always have to pay your dues. Always.) and buy some crypto. The top market cap coins are usually safe, and you can by a fraction. Safe does not mean they won’t go down in value, just that it may not be be one of thousands of outright scams that may go to zero. There will be volatility. Do not make the mistake of thinking “this one is $34,000 and that one is $0.06 so I’ll by the cheaper one.” Do your research. Never invest in something you don’t understand. Sites like will give you information on every coin including links to their websites, which markets they trade in, total marketcap, trade volume, white paper, and more.

If the global financial system collapses (many say it inevitably will unless it reforms quickly to use blockchain technology), you will need a life raft. If you see this post, you were given an opportunity to grab one.

I did my part.

Once you buy some crypto (Coinbase, Kraken, CashApp, etc.), transfer it to a wallet you control (not your keys, not your coins). I suggest using a FIO enabled wallet so you have a good user experience using a human readable name like luke@stokes to send and receive cryptocurrency:

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