
I just bought 1 BILLION Glass coins!

avatar of @mango-juice
3 min read

Hell Crypto lovers!

Today, I did something that I have never done before. Yes, I jumped out of hive blockchain and invested first time outside of hive world (splinterlands world to be more precise). I invested in a new coin named as GLASS (aka OUR.GLASS) I bought as many as 1 BILLION+ Glass coins.

Till now, I was fully committed to the hive community, specially with splinterlands. Almost all of my earnings I used to invest in Splinterlands buying cards one after another. Meanwhile, I realized there is a lot happening outside and most of my friends were engaging with new projects.

While chatting in a discord server, I first came to know about this coin from @raymondspeaks and @udezee. The coin is brand new and it is on Binance smart chain (BSC). Hopefully after getting listed in leading crytocurrency exchanges, we may see a bright pump and who knows, maybe this risky step makes me good money in future.

Please note: It is not a financial advice to buy ourglass or any other crypto. I am just sharing my experience and thoughts here.

Let me first give a little information about GLASS coin.



  • OUR.GLASS is the worlds first fully decentralized friction-less yield producing AI on the Binance Smart Chain.

  • Ourglass is an auto-staking smart contract designed to pay the holders/stakers yield endlessly.


  • Every ourglass token transaction incurs a 10% fee, 5% of this particular fee is distributed to everyone holding GLASS based on how much they are holding.

  • The other 5% goes directly to liquidty on Pancakeswap.

  • This, thus creates an never ending feedback loop buys that raise the long term floor price of GLASS. Hence the name, is Ourglass.


As declared in their official website, the roadmap of ourglass is stated below.

Q2,2021: Concept Q2 2021: Branding, Website Launch, Social Media, Fair Launch. Q3 2021: Glass Ultra-staking, Airdrop, Security Audit.

While reading about them, I also found a good news about ourglass in their official twitter page. Just 13 hours ago, they have just burned 58 trillion Glass! That got me heated up a bit more to buy them!


How to Buy

Trust Wallet:

I used trust wallet to buy OurGlass. You can also use metamask. Both ways are being described below.

  1. Download the TrustWallet app (available both for iOS, Android) and save your recovery phrase.

  2. Buy BNB (Smart Chain) through the app. Tap the "Buy" button near the top corner, then "Smart Chain" as the 4th one down. You can also transfer your BNB from other wallets like I did transfer 0.1 BNB from binance into trust wallet.

  3. Go to PancakeSwap within Trust Wallet. For iOS, enable web browsing. Tap "DApps", search "Our.Glass", & tap our "Trade" link at the top.

  4. Switch chains & connect your wallet. Tap the Ethereum logo in the top corner to switch to "Smart Chain." Then press "Connect" and "TrustWallet".

  5. Tap the settings icon and write 10-15% for slippage tolerance (Mine worked for 12%). Write how much GLASS to buy.

  6. Now swap and confirm the transaction! Welcome to Ourglass.

  7. You have to manually search the token. Just hit the search bar and write 'ourglass' and on the view switch.


  1. Download the MetaMask extension (Chrome, Firefox) and save your recovery phrase.

  2. Buy BNB (Smart Chain) from or Binance.US, and then withdraw it to MetaMask. Here's a guide!

  3. Go to PancakeSwap and connect your wallet. Press the "Trade" button on our site. Then on PanacakeSwap, tap "Connect" in the top corner, then "Metamask".

  4. Tap the settings icon and write "15%" for slippage tolerance. Write how much GLASS to buy and leave a few 0s at the end.

  5. Now swap and confirm the transaction! Welcome to Ourglass.

I bought a total of 1 billion + GLASS tokens. I would not say I am very much positive about my decision on buying glass but I only invested around 13$ so I wont get broke if it fails. But, on the other hand if this project turns out to be successful, I may earn a good amount of wealth from it. Let's see where it goes in the future, until then, let it stay in my wallet.

I hope you liked this article, please let me know about your feeling about this coin.

I also want to thank my friend @burlarj who really helped me through all these steps as I am very new to all these wallets and toekns*/coins. Also, thanks to @bala41288, @backpackingmonk, @raymondspeaks and @udezee for the quality chat over this.

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