
Budget: Keeping our finance on the right track

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3 min read

Are there any successful people or big business owner who does not live with budgeting? There's none, making a budget helps us build a solid foundation financially because it helps in maintaining financial goals by helping us to decide on What to spend our on. living on a budget leads to desired outcome, we plan how to spend our money, and what we use our money for, and helping us to save money we need for necessities. Budgeting is a way to develop a responsible lifestyle, this is something that Will be for everyone if carried out.

The money we earn should not prevent us from making a budget, it deals more with the money we spend, based on the things we do like, buying food, transportation, clothes, utilities, etc. When we check everything on our budget list and we noticed we don't have enough money to cover all expenses, it's better to go reduce it and go for the important ones. Budgeting helps us to practice discipline with our spending habits.

Here are some of the benefits of making a budget.

Personal saving plan: We don't have to spend all our earning, budgeting help us to save some money for ourselves. When the output is higher than the income we make, we should review our expenses to cut out some of them or we make plans in increasing our source of income i.e starting up a business, but can be so draining, but you'll earn more income, spending less is another way to increase our income, by sacrificing a few things, this one is simple and it requires less of our time. If we have no money to save after all expenses, there's no way to save for future purposes.

planning how we spend: Nearly everyone wants to live a luxurious life, We might be receiving a good income but when we spend money beyond our income is expensive. Budgeting helps us to live within or below our income and that's what everyone successful people or business do. This will help us to save money for any emergency that may arise, but where there are no emergency funds, there's no way we can solve the problem at hand, but when making a budget will help us in solving problems, because life is unpredictable.

Going for the need: There's a huge difference between need and want. Want are the things we desire to buy but are not important, but needs are the essential things we cannot do without. There are times I used to buy things and I ended up realizing I don't need them because I might end up not using them. I start to make a budget for the important things I need, and when I came across other things I did not budget for, I don't buy them, because I see them as wants, had it been it's important, I would have included them to my budget list initially. When we buy everything we need before we know it, we'll run out of cash, and there's nothing to save up. Making a budget will help us minimize expenses. Budgeting will help us to put our finance on the right track and to meet our future plans.

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