
Investing in DCity - Tracking Profitability

avatar of @mawit07
2 min read

Yesterday I read a post by @luca-legend, Post Link Here, about getting 301% APR for investing in dCity. I had to check it out and he summarized the method to earning that much return pretty straight forward.

The whole jest of his post was to invest heavy on producing the most SIM possible while reducing any waste in extra swap.hive to obtain. I literally matched his selections but I only had a little under 50 swap.hive to spend.

Since I had nothing in my dCity I followed @luca-legend's suggestions and bought 8 Ad Agency, 2 apartments, 1 worker, and 1 immigrant to fulfill the needed people to produce max SIM in the city I started. The end result was a 80 Sim output and since taxes are reasonably low it comes out to around 79 Sim daily to my pocket. I compensated without buying trees with worker and immigrant since I lack sufficent people to employee versus in Luca's example there were more workers than jobs available.

At current SIM to swap.hive rate it would take me 50 / 0.38278 = 130.6 Days to breakeven. A year is about 365 days so it comes out to about 280% APR for me. Still consider that pretty good and I intend to accumulate the SIMS in hopes to sell them at a higher price later down the road. We shall see.

I will periodically come back to post about my results in dCity but for now the goal is to make it a passive investing with it. I have too many games going at once and life just too busy. Yet starting a dCity appears to be quick and ROI is pretty good.

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