
avatar of @medicigasmsk
1 min read

My personal assessment is that at its current and for some reasonable future BTC and Crypto at large are in a unique situation akin to "stagflation" except that it is a "Bearish Boom," such that even though the crypto and now NFT markets are in a perceived late stage for those in the know a la knowing the various single day +-50%<->100% spikes/dips thinking that these movements are unsustainable and thus must, according to traditional economics enter a bear market eventually. The only thing is 60+% of crypto speculators are HODLers which according to that positioning means it is a bear market already. It gets weird when you consider that crypto and NFT as a wave have not truly even broken as such they are not yet ubiquitous and are currently simply speculative value stores for wealthy nations. When it matures and truly starts "booming" it will be so much more a la individual agency and wealth generation.

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