
Disclaimer: This is not a traditional post on finance or crypto so please bear with me… pun intended.

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6 min read

Everyone talks about “making money” and “getting rich” but those people are missing the point. Becoming financially free or independent is not about money. It may seem like that but there’s a lot more to it. People who have become successful have done so because they believe in something greater than themselves. People are successful because they have the strongest ‘why’ possible; to serve others, to solve people’s problems. If you can put yourself aside for just a moment and think about how your life can bring value to others then you can and will be successful, it just takes a why or a purpose. People strive for the feeling of fulfillment and the way to become fulfilled is through service. Look at all the richest people in the world, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and you will find that they all know their passion and why. Elon Musk wants to accelerate sustainable energy and create autonomous cars to save lives. His passion is saving the environment and saving people. Bill Gates is currently investing in farmland because he wants a more sustainable future and he wants to help the people who suffer from hunger. Bill Gates also gives a lot of his money away which is another key thing to being successful. Contribution, whether it’s time or money, is huge, not only in feeling important but also to add value to the lives of others. One of Warren Buffet’s greatest pieces of advice is to love unconditionally so there, that answer to becoming successful is to give, serve, and love. I think that becoming financially free and wealthy is a bit of a spiritual journey, a mindset journey. We cannot add to others' life if we cannot take care of our own. This is so overlooked when thinking about being rich for most people because they cannot look past the money aspect. What it all essentially comes down to is people, other people.

We are all here because we are interested in crypto, and finance, probably interested in making some money. I’m not going to lie, I love money. I want more money; I’m trying to learn as much as possible to attract money and have more money. But it’s not really about the money. Money is a tool that magnifies who we are, right, so if we are selfish and use our money only for ourselves and we are mean then we will just become more of that. We all know that people like that are not fun to be around. So, when they are trying to get a loan or network, it won’t be super easy for them. But, for the few who think like there is no box and that’s creative, like there are no limits to what can be done, and they are driven to help, the money will be there, opportunities will show up, etc. Now, I am not saying you have to be spiritual to become successful, I am just saying that there is a link between the two.

I started my own spiritual journey about a year ago, just around the time I lost my job due to covid and could spend more time reading and watching YouTube videos that my mother would send me. It led me to books like The Science of Growing Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, books on The Law of Attraction, etc., and what all these books had in common was the mindset that is not the norm. The mindset was also not one of positivity per se but one of thinking bigger, more creatively, without limits. There is nothing stopping you from succeeding except yourself, except your own limiting beliefs. These limiting beliefs are most likely not even true and probably didn’t even come from you and yet they're something we let run our lives every day. A limiting belief would be like “money is the root of all evil”, “I can’t make money pursuing my passion”, “I don’t know what I am doing”, etc. The last one was my biggest limiting belief. I felt like I was too young to understand, I didn’t have enough experience, I started a little bit too late in the game, and so on and so forth. But the truth is, I can figure it out along the way and most people don’t know what they’re doing. I shouldn’t let that stop me from even trying. Limiting beliefs stem from fear, fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of rejection. The list of fears is endless but ultimately, it’s the fear of not being enough. So, my spiritual path started with the first step of knowing and believing that I was enough. I am worthy of making money. I am important enough to make contributions and to add value. I am smart enough to think creatively and solve people’s problems. I can do this, and the fact of the matter is most people who became successful didn’t really have the resources we do today. We have the internet which opens up so many doors. We can make money through investing, stocks, trading, real estate, the compound effect, DIY projects, people thrift and flip clothes, e-commerce, providing a service, creating a course, etc. The limit truly does not exist and that is a huge blessing. This means that it is totally possible to follow our passion and use it to become successful.

But what if we don’t have or know what our passion is? Well, this is where we start to do some deep-diving into the conscious world of you. Take a look at what you love to do, what brings you joy, what you get excited about and look forward to. What makes you feel good? Are there any topics you love to learn about and share? I’m sure there is something that gives you that little spark. For me, it’s the environment. I became a vegan not only because of the animals, but because it is a less taxing diet on the environment. I thrift because of the horrors of fast fashion. I have all these things that I do because I keep the environment in mind. I also have a passion for service work. I spent two years volunteering with different non-profits across the United States through the AmeriCorps program. I absolutely fell in love with helping out, doing disaster relief work, building ADA trails, working at the Utah Food Bank. Recently I got accepted into this Earthship program and I also passed my real estate exam, which got me thinking. What if I could help build these sustainable houses and sell them? What if there were a way to combine real estate and sustainability? Once you do some soul searching, the next part is the trickiest, in my opinion.

Now that you know your why and passion you must learn to focus. This is by far my biggest weakness. I do not know how to focus. I am slowly learning though, remember thoughts are powerful! But most successful people and leaders are focused. They know what they’re about and they are driven to get it. The reason they get it done is that they get really specific about their goals, they write them down, they constantly think about them, and some spend 100^ hours working towards their goal. Always striving to be better than they were yesterday.

Finally, you really do become the five people you hang out with most. If you are striving to become more physically fit, hanging out with people who like to watch tv all day and snack probably won’t help. If you want to become successful and make money, your best bet is to find a way to get with a group of people who are already doing that. Networking with people who are creative, intelligent, kind, and goal-oriented is huge. It helps you to get in the right mindset that there are people doing this and you can too. Also, these people will most likely help you to reach your goals in more ways than one. When I say it is all about people, I mean it. Connect with them, learn from them, be challenged by them. People are the greatest resource.
Show up to work, to live every day with the intent of leaving this place better than you arrived and it will make all the difference. Be enthusiastic and energetic about making money, making friends, working on projects, creating, etc., because these are things that you truly GET to do. They are privileges. Think about the blessings in your life, live with gratitude, live on purpose and with intention. We are here because we do not follow the masses, we are leaders!

So, know your why, make it about others, eliminate your limiting beliefs and get laser-focused. Use crypto, trading, stocks, real estate, and other ways of earning and making money as a tool to guide you in the direction of fulfillment. I am sure we are not all here just to make money. We are not interested in finance and business for a pretty dollar. I know that there is more, there has to be. So, I would love to hear about your why! What drives you to wake up every morning and work towards your goals? How will you use your money to make this world a better place?

ps I tried to put a picture in but for some reason, it will not let me.

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