
avatar of @melbourneswest
1 min read

I'd argue that it's not socialist that is Neo Liberal. It was a better model when we use democratic socialism where the people decide on what's valuable VS what's not. Which is what is occurring with Bitcoin and cryptocurrancy. Wealth distribution is occurring in a democratic manner.

Central banks (in my opinion) went to far to the right. Because economics isn't something that you can study and say "this is the way". The market is fluid and ever evolving with people's needs, wants and desires changing. Because of the fluid motion not one model can be rolled out. Which is what people in power always try and do. Make everyone conform to "one model".

The only thing that should be a priority is equity in the shape of ensuring people aren't being taken advantage of ultimately ensuring corruption isn't occurring.

But these days a swipe of a pen can legalise corruption in a few moments.

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