
Solrise Finance - DAWN contest!

avatar of @miniature-tiger
1 min read

Just a quick heads up on the Solrise Finance DAWN contest for those not aware of it.

It's a fund manager / investment contest on Solrise Finance; a fund manager on the Solana network. Create and manage your fund of crypto assets as fund manager. Invest in various funds as an investor.

It's on the devnet so just for fun. But you can win prizes! Mainly I think it's a way for the team to test their product and gain some advertising exposure.

So I entered. You can see my fund in the picture. Funfund. 0.2% up and flying! 50% Sol. 50% Rune at the moment.

100% invested in my own fund as an investor. Couldn't find any other funds to invest in!

The contest started 30 minutes before this post so get moving!

You can find a link on their twitter account here:

Good luck all!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta