
avatar of @mykos
3 min read

The bigger question is can Hive be bigger than bitcoin myk. THe answer is a resounding no.

But it already is though.

As far as I can tell... Bitcoin MYK doesn't even exist.

I feel like you're purposely being a bit disingenious though. As i asked you to look at the interaction of this video about bitcoin myk and all the wallets you see there alone. I'm not aware of one hive video with that much interaction on a site that gets billions of users a day.

so no comment on what the people with wallets think about bitcoin myk?

Bitcoin MYK does exist, the site is down for a few days during a security upgrade as well as i had to change my credit card info. everything will be back up and running in a few days. in the meantime people who want to post with us can do so here and earn bitcoin myk and bbd in their wallets.

Deflation doesn't work. It does not generate value or seed functioning economies.

hello bitcoin is deflationary...seems to work just fine...deflation works for the same reason stock splits work. people perceive more value when something is more rare.

Also this isn't a competition.

You're obsession with "winning" is misplaced.

i disagree in a small crypto pool alot of money is going in the hands of a few people and the people are being abused and taken advantage of. i take it very personal

Given my experience in these matters... your project will never work. You will never EVER be able to eliminate the Sybil attack vector

Wrong again most projects like ours already used decentralized id services where no one gets the data. We have a few ways to stop this issue besides that. We use social media keys attached to facebook accounts. Have you ever tried to get a multitude of facebook accounts? good luck with that. If you don't want to link your social media you can also use us on memo which requires you to do paid transactions which most scammers won't want to spend money to do.

Lastly decentralized id systems we'd use if that ever became a problem so you're absolutely wrong again.

Also, what do you want from me?

You're not the biggest whale but you have idk about $200k worth of hive in holdings.. I want you to care about your investment and start promoting projects like my own that can get the platform more valuable using our second layer solutions.. its no incentive to come to hive. only incentive is for a few writers to make $5 a day writing posts, money i'd struggle to buy a candy bar with per day.

I showed you stats of why 80% of the globe would be incentivized to join us... watch teh video i provided here in teh link go to the comment section. that's what i want from you.. i'm just wondering if you smart enough to understand it? First you need to be genuine and open your ears.. A few whales going around here making $20 a post not accomplishing alot.. yes splinterlands did well but it can't do it by itself. the fact of the matter is hive is a very easy blockchain to develop on. it doesn't have the smarts like ethereum using computer languages like solidity... it's second rate.. you need to play to your strenghts and focus on marketing and incentivzing people to get here..splinterlands can't do it by itself.. and some hope a dapp will hasn't happened yet may never happen.

So now that you know what i want.. are you going to do anything about it?

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