
avatar of @mykos
2 min read

Interesting article but i think the premise of how we start off with currency or the idea is wrong from the beginning. As you bring out in the article essentially its this shellgame workaround of politicians spending money that doesn't belong to them. Now makes sense why the fed is always going to be appealing to a politician. Even Donald Trump talks about the Fed Reserve gets to DC we don't hear so much as a squeak out of him about the Fed he goes deaf as well.

So this makes sense because as long as the Fed exist politicians don't have to directly ask citizens for money to spend on crap. Politicians come to DC to wield real power not pretend power. That entails spending money. So it doesn't make sense for them to deny themselves the most powerful thing in their arsenal writings checks they themselves didn't earn. They never going to give up that power ever. Americans don't demand it. They didnt hold Trump accountable. Those 70 americans did wht they always do covered for Trump and we are worse off as we were.

I think to get this right. In an economic system where everyone steals from everyone since the dawn of time. We have to start from a value system that says every citizen on earth is worth x amount of dollars and guaranteed a certain percentage of the earths resources as long as they exist forever and ever. As long as some type of alternative system exist call it capitalism.. call it socialism.. there will always be a class of people that can steal from the others.

As far as i'm concerned nobody has earned anything. The earth was here bearing resources when you came here. Even if you say you earned something through labor output if you go back far enough it generally spells out you stole it from someone else through war or conquest. So you're still no better than the governments that steal from you. So why should the world care about your earnings.

No currency systems is a weird practice that no animal in the animal kingdom does but human beings and they do it horribly. We exist as humans we all inherit the resources of this earth point blank. Now i'm not saying that a person can't after a point of that inheritance go out and have the incentive to achieve more .. Not talking about a cashless society or a society where there is no incentive to do anything. We can have both. There can be a global inheritance and still incentive to achieve and grow and evolve. Again if people wanna talk about theft. It's always been theft perpetrated on one group over the other. Achieving resources and goals unjustfly and unfairly. So as long as injustice exist in the world why should we be entitled to any. So we need to reset this right.

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