
avatar of @mykos
5 min read

"More people show up for work so as not to be fired as compared to those working for the promotion."

Right that's a form of slavery not freedom lol.

"Labor extraction is also of the forced variety. Companies tend to pay as little as they can for the labor they are receiving. Of course, the second they can get away without said labor, companies will grab that opportunity."

Yes and everyone is brainwashed as soon as you don't want to work for them they call you a lazy employee. It's never cheap employers lol.

"People are willing to put forth the effort since they are part of something they believe in."

See this is the key. This is suppose to be the driving force. Now the reason it isn't is because the very systems you're explaining most people are under the influence of. Especially in crypto. Crypto is one of the most unoriginal places i've come to. Crypto people have brought exact replicas of how corporate structures function into their systems.

If you're discussing something like the corporate structure and the shareholder. Well that's most cryptos it's just that they feel more like a penny stock and coin holders feel more like shareholders with votes and in application to their stake.

There is no merit.. no social movement. Bitcoin is complete garbage now but the early days of bitcoin was very interesting. Even today early bitcoin developers are out there talking about how much they " believed" in bitcoin and were mining full bitcoins every 5 to 30 minutes and that today they don't have any money. That at the time they believed in the ideas of bitcoin and that pushed them forward. Not just profit which is how corporations run today. Not the betterment of mankind the end goal for them is profit not advancement. They got everything confused like its the same thing. No difference in cryptocurrency. absolutely no difference. Only project out there right now i can say without a doubt is a merit based system is Bitcoin MYK, everything else is just more corporate shareholder garbage for the most part. There may be a few other ubi coins but not many .. even they once they enter crypto they fold into this stakeweighted garbage of whoever has the most money has the most control of the network.. just utter trash.

"Those that are passionate about that particular community will end up in "leadership" positions. It is no longer based upon hierarchy."

Exactly or they end up just in a system where they get what they put out and deserve. Nothing is more fair than a merit based system. That's why i respect so much how Dan Larimer structured Eos voice. Did it work? No it was structured right but poorly designed.

What he got right was he decided hey this is going to be a cryptocurrency nobody can buy. If we let you all buy it this nonsense will just start all over again. The problem was, i'm not going to get into that. However i understood why he went that way. He didn't finish it correctly.

The other problem is even in the crypto hierarchy there are no real leaders.. and their certainly aren't any good ones anymore. If you're going to have these stakeweighted systems based on money and not merit. Then you would think those who fall in that category would atleast feel some obligation to approach some of the biggest issues in crypto. You're looking around here and the crypto billionaires they looking at everyone else like it's not their problem

Well the thing is you're the biggest benefactor of the system. You don't feel maybe if anyone has to take the lead it should be you? Nobody else may be doing it? So that's back to the idea of the employer enslaving these people into work and keeping the boots on their necks so they can't move.

Those people only there in crypto to get the money and get out. So when your crypto systems fail. It's because those people they were never there for the right reasons to begin with. They were there either by force.. the system they coming out of it is weighing on them.. or greed with training from a system that taught them thats more important. Either way it's generally going to be not the most optimal situation for that project.

"Corporations exist to maximize shareholder return. Period."

Right and many cryptos exist to make people money period. Staking and stacking to no end just for the sake of. Meanwhile everyone is looking at these things going well what value do they really bring to the world besides being a number machine that increases numbers. It hasn't really made the world any better? if so where has it done that?

So thats why the people look at crypto the way they do. They saying they can't see the value because it really hasn't provided them any or very little. People will eventually go to something that gives them value unless they being brainwashed or like in the case of ubi projects up against alot of propaganda for fear of what happens when society actually values a human being over some control mechanism.

"Corporations are soulless. This should not surprise anyone. Even when there is a leader who has a vision and a passion, most of the organization is akin to all others. The average employee is there for the paycheck. While they might pay lip service to the purpose, stop paying them and their time commitment will disappear."

This is similar again to crypto. When the price of the cryptocurrency goes down what generally happens? The participation levels decline. Now i believe this happens because there are people coming into crypto with the same wrong ideas that we get from the corporations.

So they bring that here quoting 20th century economic policies when we living in the 21st century. They don't realize that those economic systems have been imploding for decades. .they still think its something good that works. So they bring all that stuff here and because they really not trying to make the world better or they just don't know any better because all they know is what these capitalistic corporatist systems taught them. They can't do anything else but that.

So first alot of education still needs to take place. If they design these systems even in crypto based on the wrong philosophy. Then we still going to end up nowhere. Even when you mention something like volunteerism, it's called that because the market is valuing these people contributions to the world at zero.

The market values a mother at home raising the future generations of people value at zero. We go around and quote labor statistics and what counts as contributions through the market value system because what we're saying is that's the only way we can actual find value in something which is kinda moronic but that's what we do there and here.

So we need an overhaul in our education and consciousness. As you mention those "souless" corporations i'm having trouble distinguishing between if some of you all are souless.. you sure seem like it some of you people lol.

I think what many crypto people are saying about freedom and liberty and escape from oppressive governments etc., To me many aren't trying to really do that. Alot of crypto feels like just yet another system of control under what they want it to be. However the value of the human in these systems is still the lowest priority.

I stroll around here looking at the money being put on these posts and what not. To me that doesn't really have anything to do with how to value a human being in a system and ultimately thats what we talking about i think. I see why Dan Larimer had to go figure other stuff out and he was on in the end the wrong track. Crypto can have several organisms functioning at once but someone or something needs to focus on the higher priorities of what we need to be doing.

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