
avatar of @mykos
4 min read

Yes Western economies are slowing and imploding because they are still running on a set of false ideas. The form of capitalism they've been using the last hundred or so years doesn't work very well. So instead of addressing that they double down on it.

One of the biggest problems contributing to this was Donald Trump over the last 4 years. He goes to DC . .he does the same thing just about every politician does which is not tell the truth about our economy. When Obama was president he told the truth about our economy. He said the job market numbers Obama quoted were false and he was right. He gets to DC and he uses the same metrics to lie about the job market numbers doesn't tell the truth about it then.

So tha'ts pretty much our story with this economy that we do not produce anythign and haven't for a very long time. A blind man can you tell you that's a recipe for disaster, "blind literally and figuratively". Now where crypto comes in yes there would be many opportunities that crypto could address.

Unfortunately whereas as you may not have the banks as middlemen you still have centralized exchanges operating still with a big grip on this sector. So you got the wallets moving their value into their custody in which case you probably have quite a bit of manipulation security issues etc., You mention how in social media the platforms get the bulk of the value of the content and thus we end up with not a a favorable situation

In cryptocurrency the problem is you still have what i would deem as a syndicate group now representing in a sense this more corporate structured platform. Unfortunately we changed our technology but we didnt change ourselves. So we only come into crypto with the same structure. I would imagine that if you can create and manufacture any economy and platform you'd like. That you'd just create one that does that. If you want velocity of money and value to change hands which i would think you would. Then you can manufacture that. It no longer has to be the accidental or incidental economy. It certainly doesn't need to be a repeat of the economies we have now.

So i find that in cryptocurrency we talk a good game about what it can be and do. Our actions however show otherwise and your actions are everything.. words don't matter. Yes life extension.. cancer research.. productivity thats not stolen and manipulated away from the people that earn it due to machinations within the fibers of the system designed for this to take place. Yes crypto could fix that. Crypto doesn't and probably isn't going to fix it until we take the old train of thinkers out of crypto and put in new ones.

Spending billons to make peanut butter taste more peanut buttery or chocolate taste more chocolately adds very much to a severe flaw in our list of priorities lol. We become of aware of this we don't get better we get worse with it. So crypto is doing the same thing its not doing anything different. It could and maybe it will but there is still this false sense that the fact our economy has managed to kick the can down the road so long that it works and will get better. Statistically wealth distribution has but gotten worse. For people to be productive you gotta have a healthy society. You can't have a horse that's not feed and rested be productive.

These people need land so they can eat and grow food. They don't have any. They have a cess pool in an imprisoned concrete jungle many of them. They live poorly because they believe in this type of system of bad priorities and no productivity. Yes the lambos and mooning is a again a false misconception of productivity over an unsustainable system that first shouldn't even be referred to as an economy but an " ecosystem". That is the first error. That we think of it as nonconnected instead of interconnected so then you can go create a ripple effect that harms the society around you based on the false premise of this form of capitalism we're under of no productivity or anything of real value and then we bring those same principles to crypto. The guys at the top of crypto act just like Donald Trump did. They talk a good game they line their pockets but then at the end of the day it comes down to themselves and can we make money and the rest of the ecosystem fall in peril. So yes crypto can be many solutions to these ills if we want it to be. If we wanna accept data when it's favorable to us but when we get to washington dc we go oh now this data is okay it works because it favors my narrative then we will have problems. So that's where i think we are with that.

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