
Sharing the greatness of an underrated neutral monster: Grenadier

avatar of @namelessnameless
2 min read

On my previous blog, I talked about my recent purchase. Today I would like to focus on a particular purchase that I am very happy with.

I bought a max lv6 Grenadier for $258.05. I have my fair share of meeting against team with Grenadier. It is one of my most expensive purchase. These are some of the reasons why i buy Grenadier

  1. low mana neutral, this can easily fit into any team
  2. 3 range attack for only 3 mana
  3. blast, always one of the top skill to look for.
  4. snare, goes very well with blast. snare will also apply on blast monster.
  5. oppress can be useful if opponent use non attack tank like lord.A

Let me share 2 of my battles in which Grenadier was involved.

Battle Url:

Rules: 21 mana match with earthquake.

Since it is earthquake match. Grenadier is sure a good anti-fly monster. And I am happy that the opponent actually have Dark Ha'On cause that will draw my attack to him and manage to blast 2 nearby monsters instead of 1. Let's have a look at what happen.

When Grenadier attack n Dark Ha'On, since Ha'On is flying, with snare skill, Grenadier is a sure hit on Ha'On and at the same time, blast and kill Dr Blight and also deal 2 critical damage to Dr Blight. This blast of 2 damage to Dr Blight makes the game a lot easier.

Dr Blight start with 4hp, but with Thaddius blood -1hp and my dr blight weaken -1hp, his dr blight only start with 2hp. After the death of corpse, dr blight manage to get 1hp before taking the blast of 2hp. As a result, it survive with 1hp. However, at the turn, despite the earthquake killing the slimeball to give 1 more hp to dr blight, he still cant survive with the earthquake with just 2hp. And with Dark'On no longer has flying, it can be taken down quite easily.

Battle 2 Url:

It is another earthquake match with only 15 mana. Grenadier is the top choice again. And this time, even the opponent chose it too. You can see that I try to choose all the flying monsters to deal with the earthquake.

When my Grenadier attack, you can see that it net 2 of the monster in front. One shot can bring down 2!!!

Yet sadly, his Grenadier also manage to net my 2 MVP void dragon and harpy down.

After another round, sadly my grenadier unable to ground igor. Despite no need to afraid his ranger as they cant attack in first position, but his igor is still flying so I lose to his igor which outlast my ground units.

From the 2 matches, I hope you can see that how powerful Grenadier can be when being used effectively. For only 3 mana, you can get a 3 range attack with blast, just this point itself can be quite a good worthy monster to include in your team.

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