
Monster Maverick Show Replay 2021-01-12

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36 min read

As always, we covered a lot of ground in the show today. We talked about the newest Untamed airdrop due to be hitting in a day or two, the new rental system from Peakmonsters, possible tournament updates, some of @isaria's new music for the game, the OCC's announcement for banks and crypto, and more.

Also, special announcement about my new show that will be Mondays at 3pm Eastern: Tax Sherpa Stories.

Images and Links from the Live Chat:


what is upwhat is up it is january 12th a tuesday 4 p.m eastern and it's time for the monster maverick show so uh yeah we got matt clark in the audience who's amazingly awake because it's he's on australia time which is like i don't know five in the morning four in the morning two in the morning i know it's a big country but uh it's one of those uh yeah so it has been another week it's been an eventful week as always so we have a bunch of stuff to talk about usual housekeeping stuff of 7 30 am that's not bad 7 30 uh is not it's not i'm usually up at you know five or six in the morning so what happens after you have kids you're just awake all the time so uh oh my clark's been up for an hour or so okay welcome to the early morning crew we got crim we got kazrak we got matt clark rondon producer extraordinaire uh and you know more people tend to filter in throughout the hour so if anybody is watching the live stream which i generally recommend that you do because i go through a lot of stuff on my browser and i will clip and drop things in the chat but uh you know it's not quite as smooth i guess as as watching the stream but if you're watching that you'll notice i'm a little bit see-through today because i'm wearing a green shirt and you know i've got the green shirt i've got the green screen behind me so obs is not doing a great job of telling the difference you know when i wear whenever the green shirt on you know same you know i do the virtual background thing on zoom with my green screen it can pick up the difference without any problems so i don't know obs is deal i guess the lighting is a little bit more sensitive or less sensitive whatever the case may be so yeah that's that's fun little little things to let's watch ninja mode that's right you can't see me coming i'll get you uh but you know usual usual intro stuff uh you know we've got we got a few people coming into deck 404 deck 404 is the uh the account splitting service that we have with with gerber myself and gerber it's part of the deck 101 umbrella where deck 101 you send in your cards usually rewards cards get a little bit better better than burn rates uh in terms of dark energy crystals and you know if you're going to be selling for i typically say less than ten percent above uh oh yep is in the house uh less than ten percent above burn rate generally you're better off just sending it to deck 101 because you know by the time you sit around and sell it you know your opportunity cost and then you got to pay five percent uh on market fees if you are uh selling through one of the markets so quicker easier faster uh deck 101 so deck 404 is the account splitting service where an owner comes in delegates cards to an account players come in and play that account rewards are uh are split 50 50. uh all rewards cards are sent through deck 101 but then everything's converted to dark energy crystals and then split um so you know we've got we've had a few more people come in over the past week or so on that and you know i still i know i told you guys it would be soon but it's taken a little bit longer than that i had planned uh our next evolution in the deck 101 family is uh is coming you know basically you know gerber is the workhorse behind the whole thing and he's been doing his d city stuff which has taken a little bit longer than i had planned anyway so i just know that things are coming in i'm gonna still say q1 2021 and it's going to be awesome so i'll leave it i'll leave it there a special announcement though special announcement uh i'm going to have another podcast on the msp waves network so uh this is going to be totally unrelated to everything spinner lands but it's going to be tax sherpa stories so for those of you who know tech sherpa is my this is my company and you know my team that i've put together and uh we do we do taxes we do uh tax planning we do uh you know financial coaching for businesses and i decided to go ahead and make a podcast out of stories that uh that have come up let's just call it that that i've come up i've come across in my in my travels in the in the business and tax world so it'll be a little bit of of uh you know just me riffing on on stuff on a particular topic uh any particular week it's gonna be mondays at at uh 3 p.m eastern i think is what we decided on and uh yeah so it'll be like half you know me talking about a particular issue uh which may be topical or timely or maybe kind of universal and then i imagine anytime i talk about financial stuff i always get i always get uh questions like what about this what about that and so i so i think about half the show will be will be that i can't comment on people's specific situations because well it's not that kind of environment and so the crimson give me official financial advice i won't be able to give you official financial advice i can give you my opinions on things uh you know things i'm doing the way the way i see things but that is that is coming so coming next monday six days from today uh that will be a thing and it'll be it'll be similar to to monster maverick here so you know we'll have a live discord chat and then the uh you know it'll be rebroadcast on on a podcast and youtube and that kind of stuff the camera is not happy that uh i'm not gonna give official financial advice but i will give you my official opinions about things and how i would do things so that's that's close uh you know i once upon a time i was serious 65 uh you know investment advisor but i let that go a long time ago after some realizations that maybe that would be one of the stories about how nonsensical all that is so uh so yeah so i hope to see some of you guys uh next week uh during that obviously a lot of you guys are not in the u.s so uh you know u.s tax stuff is not going to be the same uh in your place but you know tax tax treatments tax laws are broadly similar worldwide so you may still get some some interesting stuff out of it um and you know if you just want to check crypto that's cool too we can do that okay so on to stuff that is happening or has happened over the past week so we have a few a few things but they're like major things so first off we have the ninth untamed airdrop card revealed so i will drop that chat or that link in chat right here there it is let's go over to peak d and we can see the the actual post we got beatrix iron hand so this was a little bit interesting so um the the tenth or sorry the the ninth air drop was all along going to be a legendary dragon summoner because so we got we got yodan we got mimosa we got um uh we got chansey i forgot the actual name we got leer and let's see we got the llama the scarred lava mage so those were all the splinters for the legendary summoners which leaves the dragon summoner and for reasons uh reasons unknown uh that was gonna be postponed to the tenth airdrop rather than the ninth so coming up next we have beatrix ironhand and uh it's an it's an epic it's it's earth splinter let's go ahead and actually i don't need to screenshot this i can just copy the image address right there and uh yeah so she is pretty interesting so she's got thorns she's got uh she's got i actually really really like uh you know because you know when you're fighting against teams that have health or scavenger and health or tank heal then um you know by by knocking down the the potential max is is really useful and then you know then she has her own close range ability so close range up until now has been a rule set and i imagine it still will be where a arranged attacker can can attack from the front line now uh this uh this monster can attack all by herself from the front line even though she's arranged got six mana at at max level she's got four ranged attacks she's got four speed six health no armor uh so you know an interesting and rad don't saying she'll pair nicely with the llama i mean that's true you know so we've got seven and six that makes a 13 so if you have one of those low mana matches might be a good play you know typically a lot of times i like to uh i like to get you know like a jelly in with the scarlet llama when you have a 13 uh because just the the scavenge in the heel is gets ridiculous um so yeah matt clark says void armor is like that too it takes what was a rule set weak magic and makes it into ability yes same kind of thing so uh so it'll be interesting i actually think she pairs a lot better with with prince renin uh you know with the plus one to the uh to the uh ranged attack and the speed boost and of course health boost being you know earth or splinter so uh it's super interesting and we'll see we'll see how the meta shakes up and uh ron says range isn't good for the llama because lasting is usually useless i mean that's true but even so you know if we double up on the health go from six to twelve that's decent uh but you know her her attack is only four so that's i don't know if that'll get the job done um because i think it goes from four to six not four to eight but and also no piercing or anything like that so i don't know we'll see um you know i could be wrong i'm i'm certainly open to being wrong but i think i think it's better paired with prince rendon so to get in on the airdrop at the time of writing there are just over 10 000 untamed booster packs available for purchase they will be eligible for the beatrix iron hand airdrop of course all untamed booster packs purchased to date either through the site or through the crowdfunding campaign are also eligible and after the air drop the card will be available to be found in all packs opening going forward these packs will also be eligible for all five of the remaining new untamed card airdrops that will happen every time another set of 100 000 packs are sold the next of which is planned to be the final legendary summoner card to be added to the set and will be the from the dragon splinter we also want to remind everyone it's still often possible to get a discount on purchasing booster packs by getting dark energy crystals tokens on the secondary markets dec currently trades on the following exchanges blah blah blah and there's a little bit of lore you know i one of these days i will crack open my book and actually read it but it's still sitting in my garage at the moment along with uh along with my pack of cards and the physical cards so um where was the info on the guaranteed rates ah here we go so uh 13th epic card to be unveiled so chances of receiving the card in the airdrop as well as in booster packs going forward without the use of potions will be approximately 1.538 percent or 1 in every 65 packs on average with an average of 1 in 50 of them or 2 percent being gold foil additionally players will be guaranteed to receive at least one beatrix iron hand for every 65 packs they have purchased so i have said it before and i will say it again i really like having the floor on the random number generator in these cases uh so you know i typically score right around that floor uh you know my luck with the rng is just not great but uh you know is what it is so you know i i calculated on mine i think i you know you need 46 to max i think i'll get like 40. um so i'll be close and i'm pretty happy with that so uh i imagine i will just you know get whatever i get in the airdrop and then i will max it out and that'll be that um i am at least you know i'm not gonna be stacking this until you know proven a need anyway so if you go over to splinterlands we can see in the shop what do we got here packs we're at 96 531. so we're getting close 3500 3500 remaining and if we look at um hive data oops hive data dot space such a weird domain hive data dot space but you know it's a great site let's look at purchases just look at booster packs and so it's you know it varies significantly let's just say that but lately we've been averaging what you know well i mean it's pretty big range 500 to to 1183 so let's call it i don't know 750 750 a day something like that so we're looking at you know five days unless uh someone fomos out of the um uh you know to to run the rest of the packs we do have a season ending coming up here shortly and we tend to get a lot of pack distributions at that point we've got two days and 10 hours i don't know if you can hear that ambulance going by or not that's uh you know always fun so yeah that's uh you know we'll probably run out right around the season ending when people claim and and then we'll get our next batch of 100 grand to go through so yeah i mean while i'm on while i'm on the screen actually i've had an interesting season the uh so last season i got a champion one i got reset back to diamond one and i actually got the strategy from matt clark who's here in the audience of alternating seasons where i do i do one run up to champion and then the next one i go into uh diamond for for competition of packs and uh matt clark is saying final hundred thousand packs of untamed for in less than a month i'm calling it 500 000 packs like of the of the whole series uh because we're still quite a ways away from that or do you mean the next hundred thousand but um but yeah so so you know doing this alternating strategy where i go into champion one get reset back into diamond one and then compete for pax and diamond one then get reset to gold one and then i run all the way to champion so uh that has been the the modus operandi the last little while uh last two seasons i was kind of struggling a little bit so i just ran to champion uh both times uh i think last season i got a champion but the one before i only got champion two uh you know stuff comes up works getting busy you know in the tax world turns out january to april's very busy uh in the us so there is that uh but you know so in the first i don't know uh i don't know how many days let me see my battle log here last time i played was four days ago because i got up to 38.28 and then i was in the packs you know i was actually in the 10 pack range which is kind of the target so i i at that point i got into place number 18 or 19 something like that and i realized well you know the chances of me getting into the top 10 and getting 15 packs is low because i just don't play enough uh so i'll just i'll just sit here and and kind of float with the uh with the competition and i got as high as 12 at least that i saw and now i'm down down to number 21 and 10 packs goes from place number 11 in the diamond league anyway place number 11 to place 25 and uh so you know i'm i'm kind of happy with that matt clark's just tried that and couldn't even hit top 50 in diamond just don't have the hours or the talent yeah uh it's it's tough i mean the competition gets gets serious you know we got some bots in here like let's more moriarty 95 here has 764 games played in this season which is clearly uh you know bottom activity when you look at everybody else in like the 100s and 200s uh thanks for dropping by yeba can't stay longer you're going to walk the dog before it gets dark yeah trouble with dogs and you know like my kids are always after me we want a dog we want a dog we want a dog say number one no because i don't want to take care of the dog number two is that if we had a farm where you know we had space and we had livestock and you know the dog had a job i would say fine we can get dogs out and get some livestock guardian dogs uh and that was the correct answer uh you know my uh my my wife family had a um uh what's what are they called look they look like polar bears uh they're giant white fluffy uh they're like they're a particular breed of lifestyle guardian dog and um you know that would be fine but uh but it's not staying in the house and i'm out cleaning up after it so that's that's the story uh fox is saying dark is the best you do not need to clean the street now it wasn't a malamute it was um it's gonna bother me it's not an anatolian uh sheepherder it's not a uh it's not a saint bernard they really look like polar bears just like smaller great pyrenees that's what it is great pyrenee um dog so you know they are they are great livestock guardian dogs they have very good instincts as far as you know herding and um and protecting yeah they they do shed like crazy uh you know when my wife had when my family had this dog you know she was uh you know teenager at the time um there would be like these tumbleweeds of fur fluff just going through the house uh graham says they're so amazing talking about the great pyrenees dogs are great pyrenees i'm not sure uh so anyway that's that's the plan so uh yeah they don't live very long that is true the larger breeds tend to tend to go early um you know same with giant humans like under the giant and all that kind of stuff the vasculature just can't support the size after a while but um yeah so the uh the season activity that i've been that i've been doing i've been floating around in the 10 to 20 range now i'm done to 20 down now i'm down to place 21. people tend to you know play a lot more as the season ends and you know the the the rank inflation increases so now i actually have people above me that i could potentially battle and win points from because the problem with being number 12 is that i can only really win if i beat somebody who's above me and that's i mean just numbers wise uh frequency wise that's hard to do they uh you know so like you could like my winning rate is about 60 on average and so you know i win more than i lose which is great but if i go plus 3 plus 3 plus 3 then minus 25 then that doesn't work out so it's it's really hard to to grind that out you have a much higher winning rate in order for that to work so like these guys up here uh you know ts dragon is 177 battles 143 wins let's see whatever that number is it's high 143 divided by 177 is come on banjo 81 i mean that's that's fantastic so uh you know at that rate you can afford the the one in five loss and still you know make progress which obviously he has because it's 40 he's got 41.28 right there um but you know where i am what am i 40 72 uh 72 battles 46 wins i think that might even be lower than 60 percent let's see uh 60 64 okay so yeah i i gotta i gotta play the odds the way they are they are laid out for me so now that i'm down to 21 tomorrow tomorrow morning i'll wake up and i will do my daily quest which i think i'm on earth right now and hopefully that will go well and i will win you know either five out of five or four or five out of six or you know hopefully not any worse than five out of seven and uh you know secure my spot in the ten pack runnings because you know when we look at at the leo dex we go to market and go to untamed untamed so those are going for 10.9 uh hive but uh a dollar yeah let's call it a dollar twenty middle of the spread there so you know uh a dollar twenty times ten ten dollars twenty cents uh that is far better than what i would expect unless i got just super lucky with rewards out of uh out of loot chests so you know that is a more optimal expected value than than just going for the chests because i think the last time i looked the average expected value of a chest was 63 dark energy crystal something like that uh you know floats depending on card values and everything but that's that's kind of average it doesn't go too far away from that and then tied to that is that you know i don't know if you guys have noticed but the crypto market's kind of taken a dump here last little while which has affected the dark engine crystal prices but before we get to that i do want to show you another uh not a preview uh it's a you know the theme music that comes in at the beginning and the end of the show is by izaria and you know i thought i had been following her stuff but apparently not so i've missed a whole bunch of music that she's released so here is uh one piece that she's released it's called marshlands and uh each week i think i'm gonna i'm gonna go through i got one two three four five more pieces apparently that i've missed uh covering on the show so we're gonna be doing like one a week here but you know i typically like to like to check all these things out and uh so you guys are gonna sit here and listen for a little bit let's see if i can actually get this to play though yes confirm we'll go to another site and let's play it's very mushy welcome skyline so that was marshlands from i oh don't keep playing whoever has autoplay whatever site has autoplay like built in terrible don't do that uh but yeah so that's marshlands and i'm guessing that's going to be an earth splinter dungeon or some kind of earth splinter themed area for uh for the lands uh i like it a lot um it was very very marshy so you know izaria i guess i don't know what her title is exactly with splinterlands but she is the official music music for for splinterlands uh and she does she does a great job so we will be featuring uh a new song uh or maybe not song as the wrong word a new uh element you know that she releases over the at least the next you know five or six weeks um that i have queued up here so that's something to look forward to and matt clark says eerie well you know it's a marsh so if you're if you're in a flesh golem dungeon uh then you might have to have to battle so uh so you know i was starting to talk about the crypto market so i have talked in the past about how dark energy crystals are now linked to ethereum and uh through the unit swap pool and the market feed taken from the uniswap price and if we look at the chart of ethereum here's a daily chart you know everybody was all excited because prices were mooning and then last couple days is done the opposite is you know i don't want to call it a crash i mean it's it's a 30 retracement which is you know severe but um you know when it's been up you know 100 you know it's 30 really a crash you know crypto is just volatile that's just how it is but how that's impacted dark energy crystals is that you know so dark energy crystals has these fundamental uh limits where um you know below about 65 splintosis or 650 splintosis or above 4000 it's you can actually arbitrage the market so those are kind of your i don't want to say hard limits but they're they are soft limits and so if we look at dark energy crystals here we can see that you know they kind of let's see if i can do this where it'll actually show up on the screen okay that kind of works uh on trading view it just has this weird um artifact error where some dates are off by a factor of a thousand so it's kind of makes for weird charts but you can see it got all the way down to uh it got down to 65 which is you know my my arbitrage point and then has bounced back uh significantly but you know the that result of all that is you know people who are looking to sell dark energy crystal are are hurting um you know it's a great time to sell cards because you're getting more dark energy crystals and if and when the dark energy crystal price bounces back which personally i think it will then you'll be sitting pretty so i mean 77 is a decent buy in my opinion um anything below 70 is like a home run so if you were one of the people who were paying attention on that day and that was that was yesterday on on the um i think it's i think it runs in utc time then uh you got a screaming deal on on the dark energy crystals so congratulations to anybody who did that but uh you know so good time to sell if you are if you are spending dark energy crystals on the market it's kind of rough because now you got to spend more for a given card um but you know and also you know so it's there's pros and cons right definitely uh better to be on the selling side of cards and the buying side of dark energy crystals right now because that's fundamentally what you're doing you're anytime you make a trade you're you're you're selling one thing and you're buying another uh if i you know i had this hat uh and i you know i sell us dollars and i buy the hat uh that's that's how the exchange works just so when you have a card you sell the card you're buying dark energy crystals with that card on the flip side you are selling dark energy crystals and you're buying the the card so um you always have to keep in mind you're always long and short in in a transaction of one side or another so good time to be selling uh car it's a good time to be buying dark energy crystals and uh you know the the only caveat with that is that you know your rewards cards a lot of them float around the burn rates and uh you got to be careful there that you know if the price goes uh against you that you're not below burn uh you know at a certain point uh bree's got a run thanks for dropping by you know i know it's late in the uh in the evening there over in i don't know what time zone that is but uh probably gmt plus two something like that um so when we go to peak you know we can see the market feed in the the market screen and you know i woke up the other day and i saw seven seven thousand i was like oh that's rough but you know those rewards cards those can be those can be a deal uh you know especially if you're buying credits 22 30 in central europe that's that's decently late you know i um ever since i got my kids sleeping you know through the night you know which is fortunately a little while now uh i've been basically passing out at like you know nine ten o'clock uh now i'm in tax season so i'm actually staying up past my bedtime and just working all night but uh that's generally how it goes so anyway uh speaking of those rewards cards i think we're coming up on a couple that were running close to their limit here oh let's look at this this is kyokis's github project and it's it's a great little site so 99 at in spearman i'll be glad when those are gone because you know in deck 101 we get a bunch of them they're hard to sell so they just pile up until we can burn them let's see if we can actually paste this there we go uh baby unicorn 99 that's another one that gets burned a lot the jelly though gelatinous cube you know gelatinous cube is a great card it's used a lot uh for people who don't have lord arianthus it is super useful and that's about to run out screeching vulture has the opportunity so that's that's always a a winner and it's also flying which is helpful that's at 99 percent and everything else looks pretty well below that fire spitter fire spinner is is kind of niche but i like it a lot uh spirit shaman is another one that builds up and we just end up burning because they're hard to sell um yeah and everything below that is in 70s 60s so on flame monkeys uh matt clark says flame monkeys were so cheap 1.3 cents 75 print rate uh yeah you're right 75 right there and lots of bargains there yeah so i mean it's only up to one point six cents uh nectar queen i'm surprised doesn't get more play uh nectar queen i use uh you know a lot in melee mayhem or in um or in uh uh fog of war you know it's it's pretty useful it's got high health it's got uh retaliate uh it's got you know a lot of a lot of melee power uh let's see uh any other standouts here barking spider is decent it's an okay ranged fighter let's just sort this by percent printed how about that and parking spider flim undead rex does not get a lot of love warrior of peace is used a lot there's plenty of them though so the price isn't very high wave runner torhiglo uh both of those don't get a whole lot of love matt clark's or flowey says use nectar queen a lot and win more often than not matt clark says nectar queen earthquake she's my go-to with llama in heeled out too yeah i mean a great card evangelist is pretty useful and she's at 64 percent uh again and on down from there you know the one the one to really keep an eye on though is the sand worm so sand room's at 41 but uh you know it is by far the best common rewards or of the imprint ones anyway uh the best of the comments it gets a lot of love you know it's got the piercing it's got the it's got the snare it's got the sneak and it's got you know at max level it's uh i think seven attack right seven melee it's just a crazy powerful card and in those high meta matches it's it's really useful uh so that's just you know things to keep an eye on like you know matt clark blind buying up the flame monkeys i use fly monkey a lot when i'm playing fire because you know the repair and the and the speed buff can't beat it for one mana hands down great card so uh good in unlimited mana games so many of the high man i have flying that's true uh you know i like to use uh snare in earthquake matches a lot as well you know it doesn't seem like a lot you know but that minus two every time every round that adds up pretty quick and unless unless your opponent has a lot of armor or just a ridiculous amount of health then that's a good way to to approach it anywho uh so that is kind of the status of the rewards cards and um i did let's what do i want to do next uh let's talk about the rentals so the rentals market has been kind of i don't want to say dead but kind of difficult in slow motion ever since the migration from steam to hive you know i know jarvy's been unhappy with the legacy system so he was actually talking about scrapping the whole thing until the next version was released but people like begged and pleaded with them so he was like okay you know but they limited like the length of contracts and things like that so they released five days ago a preview of rentals 2.0 now from the ama that was last week you know i didn't take much of the way notes because i just didn't want to i didn't uh find it you know all that much really noteworthy but one thing they did say was that the rental system is going to be integrated into the main splinterlands interface so on you'll be able to to work somehow or other inside the this this new rental system it's not going to be as fully featured apparently as the actual peak monster site and you know we'll see kind of what that looks like but you know it is uh it is going to be available so that's i think that's great um last i checked split or peak monsters had i don't know twenty percent thirty percent of the of the market activity around splinter lands so uh definitely you know only one in you know one and three or one in five um you know players are actually utilizing that so by integrating it into the main interface i think that'll benefit a lot of people and you know like it says right here is what we are planning is an auto rental system so that is pretty cool uh the goals are that owners should be able to dump hundreds if not every card they want into our system in minutes if not seconds renters would be able to select the monsters and seminars they want as quickly as they can decide what they want and click the buttons we play matchmaker you don't have to look at contract options peruse the market or even care at all who is renting it to you we would we would like a way for new players to have a one-click approach to renting they don't even know what cards they want we want options for them to click a competitive deck at the level they want in one click that would be amazing we still intend for it to have market fluctuations we will allow users players and owners to impact the market value if they want to but maybe some people will just roll with the market variations and say i'd rather just select five thousand cards make them available and be done with it while the other owners will demand a certain return or use them elsewhere and then they have our questions to you if you are an owner of cards how many cards are you looking at to make available it would take you one minute to make them all available if you are an owner renting out cards would you would you like to know dec or usd or yearly return on asset percentage for that card if you're a player or potential player how many cards uh how many cards you're looking at getting assuming it was little to no work to rent them the first place if you are a player how would you set your max cost dec usd or or roa and what other suggestions do you have for us so um yeah it's i think it's you know i've not seen any any details about the new system but from what i understand and from the things jarvie has said is that it's gonna be basically like a liquidity pool but for cards so you know things come in and out but you as as the renter it doesn't matter you know you lose one card from from owner a one from owner b just gets swapped right in and same thing on the other side if if you're an owner and you just you have a renter that renter falls out whatever another one fills right back in you know provided that there's you know enough demand inside the system so i am i am pretty excited about this thing i was a big user of the of the rental system originally um my big thing with the original rental system was that i wanted to rent out sets so they made sets available for sale but i don't think that's really the thing i think it was i think as renting sets was was a much more useful option so that's kind of what this is um so you know if i want to go in and say i want i want to compete in silver one and so i need seventy thousand dark energy or seventy thousand collection power and i need level five comments level four rares level three epics level two um legendaries and you know just click click click and rent and go i think that would be fantastic uh similarly from from an owner's side you know i'm you know next to aggregate i have the most cards so and i don't even count aggroad so uh you know it'd be great to to really you know push out the usefulness and the yield on my on my cards you know this is sort of a competition for deck 404 but i think that's okay the more the merrier in this case you know we want more people having more activity coming into the splinterland system so i was actually on reddit the other day and uh you know splinoms has has a subreddit and somebody was asking about um somebody was asking about the if you can get if you can earn in splinter lands without um without uh you know paying basically and i did comment on it and i said that yeah i mean if you use one of the you know deck 404 basically then you can get started in in um in the ecosystem without having to pay anything so that is possible uh you have to be good enough and you have to do it so uh that is that is part of the thing part of the deal with the deck four for our system and but similarly on the rental side you could rent and as long as as long as the numbers are justified by your winnings then it's effectively free so uh you know i think that's a great way for people to get started for that very low uh you know investment level which you know the easier it is for people to get in the better you know so i'm just i'm super stoked about the rental system 2.0 coming out i don't know what it'll be i get the feeling we might see it in february but you know i don't have any sources for that that's just a gut a good reaction here and we see back clark commented here so uh you know people are are giving their feedback and we should see something relatively soon so uh that's that's rentals another thing i wanted to to hit on before we run out of time well there's actually two more things so the thing number one that's true that's directly spinner lands related is that uh in the discord uh aggro started a new channel called tournament planning and it's just uh just hashtag tournament dash planning so what he said was that you know the the current state of the tournaments is what it is for the next month at least and you know i you know a lot of people are upset as always because you know the the the complaint in crypto is that people want more rewards for less work and you know that's just human nature you know we all want more for for less and that's perfectly understandable so any any change is always going to de-optimize somebody and improve optimization on somebody else so there's always going to be some kind of winners and losers so what i wrote said was that uh you know the the system is what it is for the next month at least and if people have suggestions you know throw it in that tournament planning uh uh channel and what he would most like most be interested in is a a sort of consensus document signed by at least 10 mavericks uh on changes they'd like to see in the tournament system not that he would necessarily follow them to the letter but they would you know a proposal like that with that level of support would certainly be paid attention to so it's sort of petitioning the king by the nobles so you know i think that is that is super interesting and you know everybody has their own perspective on what the rewards should be but you know if you get at least 10 people who have major stake in the game i think that's something uh i have floated the idea in the past of having like a parliament like a parliament-type governance which uh i think might be a little bit beyond with what they're looking at but basically the idea is that you have the stakeholders so you have your mavericks they're gonna be like the house of lords uh you know in the british parliamentary system or the senate in the u.s system uh so they're gonna have they're gonna be fewer of them but you know they are the most invested and so they're going to have louder voices and then but you can't just listen to the whales you also have to listen to the little guys so we should also have a house of commons uh kind of thing or a house of representatives in the u.s system where you know the people with with you know minimal investments uh we still want to hear their point of views though you know we want to be able to make the game accessible because the more people they come in the the better for all of us right whether whether they are whales or whether they are minnows it doesn't matter uh because you know a certain percentage of those people will become whales over time um and it might be a short amount of time but it might be longer and that's okay just the more the better you know we need that we need that 50 000 daily active users to be at the beginning of successful and you know from the ubisoft kind of guidelines and i think i think that's actually a good a good rule of thumb to follow um and obviously that would make us like so enormous in the blockchain space that it's not even i don't think anything else would come close but you know that's that's the benefits of a blockchain that can actually handle transactions as opposed to ethereum and other things uh incidentally i've been trying to um you know i i run a lot of d5 stuff on on ethereum and my gas fees are just crazy so i think on sunday i spent like 100 something dollars in gas fees of just just trying to do one thing uh i mean it's a complex thing but it's just one thing oh yeah so you know with hive you know we can we can actually do that so i am i am a fan of of that kind of infrastructure so uh i by having that that double layer of feedback then uh i think we could approach something that would be you know it'll be a compromise nobody will be happy but it'll be somewhere in the middle uh that clerk says just said and forget with the pools uh that's true too uh but that's not without earning or not without investing um you know the it was interesting whether to get into or out of the pools when we see these price crashes because that might be uh an attractive attractive time to load up on the dark energy crystal geyser rewards w leo etha is it for me yeah that'll do it all right so then the other thing that i wanted to get to last week but ran out of time was the occ so this is not directly uh splinterlands related but it is crypto related and you know i don't even i'm not even going to have enough time here to to discuss all the stuff that i wanted to to talk about but basically uh matt clark says he partnered his f key so my leopard payments the payouts are my pension sure sure sounds good uh so the occ the office of the comptroller of the currency uh today published a letter and this was back on january 4th uh clarifying national banks and federal savings association's authority to participate in independent node verification networks invm and use stablecoins to connect payment activities and other bank permissible functions so office comptroller and currency of the currency is one of the regulatory uh bodies that oversees banks like it says national banks and federal savings associations i don't know i don't even know that we're still federal savings associations but whatever um so what what they said in this letter and there's a link to the actual uh release um uh down at the bottom of this post this is kind of a summary what they said is that banks can participate in invms now what's that in the end it's a blockchain it's uh it's bitcoin it's ethereum it's litecoin it's ripple it's whatever um so what this is saying is that banks can operate nodes uh which is mind-boggling right so uh so this does that we're not gonna get to disable coins yet the the ability of a bank to operate a node is somewhat revolutionary so one this is a direct attack on china uh you know this it a lot so much of the node processing power is in china because you know they have subsidized electricity and and a lot of the you know asic manufacturing is done there so they have very low cost of of of production of blocks and so you know most of the bitcoin mining pools are i think it's i think it's now an absolute majority of the bitcoin mining is done by chinese controlled pools now the actual miners themselves might be all over the world but they're controlled by pool accounts in china so so this is an attack on that this is also a way because you know if you if you solve a block in bitcoin as an example uh you get a mining reward and you get transaction fees so this is a way for banks to start to make money off of crypto right here uh and you know again it's it's an attack on china uh so that's that's positive for the banks it's somewhat positive for crypto in general we have more acceptance uh as more people make more revenue from cryptocurrency obviously the importance of the system will grow over time and it'll just legitimize everything now the downside of that is that if you are connected to one of these then your your account information is going to be automatically kyced by the banks and that's where the stable coins come in so what they're saying is that uh it's actually kind of interesting on the letter i recommend everybody read it where they're saying effectively there is no difference between a an electronic record of a dollar deposit and a stable coin because they both represent us dollars and as long as you know your you know your reserves your ratios or and all that are are there then um then it's all good so they said that banks can use stable coins uh like usdc usdt dye you know whatever uh usdn even there's a bunch of them out there gusd so uh they can use them they can send payments uh you know to and from other you know whatever you would send payments for through a bank which is you know virtually everything and uh what was even more interesting though is that they said banks can issue uh stable coins now that could mean a couple different things it could mean a system like maker dao where you know you collateralize your uh your holdings and then they issue against that it could also mean that you know bank of america down the road issues bank of america coin and you know we're just relying on them to you know have the backup and of course all commercial banks in the united states and pretty much around the world uh use fractional reserve so now i expect to see you know once once they start to see that there's actual money here i expect to see a flood of of coins there and i expect them to be fractionally backed because that's what they do with everything else so why not and for the most part that will will work because you know very few people actually you know redeem their funds for for cash and they're not going to redeem their crypto or their stable coin funds for electronic dollars and they're not going to redeem the electronic dollars for for actual uh pieces of paper so uh i think that's going to be um a thing in the near future in the longer term this is going to kill the banks this is the bank's committing suicide in slow motion so i mean just think about it let's say you are let's say you are um you know doing whatever with with your bank account you're sending and receiving stable coins uh you know whether let's just say it's usdc and after a while it might start to dawn on you that well if i have usdc and i'm sending it and i'm receiving it and it's as good as a dollar what do i need to keep the money in the bank for because i can just keep usdc in my own wallet it's the same exact thing it's not like i'm getting paid interest by the banks you know we're well into interest repression you know we're 30 years into that so that's not coming back anytime soon so you know the the banking function uh can be internalized very easily to yourself um what you will what you will lose out on is the organization of of funds so mortgages and credit cards and things like that you know where they're actually putting that fractional reserve into the hands of a consumer uh that'll be an issue i expect to see you know as d5 grows and evolved i expect to see some of that in uh in the long term uh but it'll be securitized it'll it won't be it won't be fraudulent fractional reserve kind of uh kind of money creation so uh i so short term i think this is great for the banks uh they're gonna start to see the importance of crypto and as a result you know crypto gets legitimized more people get exposed the the market of cryptocurrency grows long term people realize this the banks are you know doing nothing for me so might as well control my own money and then the banks will die uh of course they'll get bailed out and you know it'll be one thing or another to uh to uh keep their keep their business models but but you know it is oh that guy got filled with a lot of arrows but it is the uh the next stage of evolution for money and you know so you know it'll be really interesting i i don't know who's going to be first in the banking world to pick up on the independent node verification networks part and start running their own bitcoin node but you got to think that cost of capital for a bank is zero so imagine how many how many nodes and how much hardware they could spin up on the bitcoin network and you know the the nth uh result of that is that um you know they could take over the bitcoin uh you know just the whole network because you know i don't know how many people are actually aware in the old days you know there was a reserve requirement of you know 10 or so where you know if a bank was to set give it out a mortgage then then you know they would need uh they would need to keep ten percent on hand as a reserve against that money that has been created it's a little bit more complicated than that because you know so if you have 100 90 gets lent out and then that 90 goes to another bank that 90 becomes 81 lent out and on and on it's a geometric series but the net result is you get a 10x so on that hundred dollars you get a thousand dollars of money creation and uh but ever since uh uh was it 2008 or it might have been might even after that but the requirement no longer exists so a bank could have zero reserves and still issue money and sound waves photon says someone called defy self-driving banks that's a good that's a good description so um so so if they do that internally where they they create money for for the nodes uh the node verification purposes you know how much mining equipment could they buy for themselves and you know they could just just throw hashing power at bitcoin until they can control it and then you know maybe they turn it off which i don't think would happen because people just fork and go to the next thing but you know they they will definitely be able to see a lot more into uh into people's accounts because obviously everybody's already kyc with their banks so when i come in and out you'll be able to see uh those kinds of things so that's that's the quick version of my thoughts on the occ announcement and turns out we are about out of time so i'm going to leave you with the theme song which is again by ice area same as same artist as what we played earlier and her stuff's great and it's going to be featured heavily in the lands expansion which i am looking forward to you

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