
Adding to my splinterlands collection. Reinvest the rental income.

avatar of @niallon11
2 min read

Splinterlands is a huge opportunity.

I love the rental market in @splinterlands. It's a total game changer for play to earn games as you no longer need to play to earn.

Now you can just hold to earn or rent to earn. Passive income at it's finest.

I have my main splinterlands account but like many other early players have a second account that i used to use for some extra cards to play daily quests when i had the time.

Now there is a better use for it. Renting out all of those spare cards to earn some sweet, sweet DEC returns.

They are not huge on this account but they do build up nicely. Somewhere between 1000 - 1500 DEC per day depending on the time of the season that it is.

I am going to send a few more of my cards to this account from my main one and aim to get it earning 5000 DEC per day and a solid rental income aside from my account for competing with.

It will take time but by re-investing to this account regularly I can keep adding more DEC to my earnings constantly and build it up from where it is now.

This will be purely for rental purposes and a long term investment. Hopefully a million worth of cards at some stage.

For it to work it needs to be as profitable and low maintenance as possible so I will be targeting high value cards with a good return on them. It might not be daily but it will be regular and multiple times a week.

Reinvest the returns.

Going forward, I will keep adding to my collection. A few times a week I will be buying gold, epic, and beta cards for the rental market.

The higher my income gets. The better the purchases. This will be a regular post going forward to keep up to date with my collection and hope it is adding up. There is no point in buying cheap or low CP cards as it takes too many that need to be tracked, organized and maintained. More expensive cards with a big demand and less work is the goal.

I will be doing this, every time that my DEC adds up enough to purchase a card that i want.

To start with I will be buying mostly new gold chaos reward cards as prices are too high for most others. This will hopefully change in the future but will start here for now.

Today's purchase - Venari Crystalsmith.

Chaos reward. Rare - Life monster. Price - $26.45 Rental price - 7 DEC Returns at 98.28%

Which, actually was rented before i even got the post finished and edited. Not a bad start to the process and a lot more to follow.

Have fun and for anybody wanting to get started on their splinterlands journey they can link to the game here.

[Get playing Splinterlands here.](

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