
Avoiding distraction.

avatar of @niallon11
2 min read

Part of growth is consistency.

It's hard to show up every day.

Hard to be consistent. Life is busy and it's much easier to make excuses as to why we shouldn't be productive.

Procrastination is a skill in itself. Knowing just how far that we can push the lines without going over.

That will only hold us back in the long run. For anybody that has goals and targets like i do then time is against you.

It's vital to make the most of the time that you have and no waste it procrastinating.

At the moment, life is too busy to spend as much time as i would like on hive and in crypto in general.

I only have an hour a day at the very most, so i try to fit in as much as possible in that time.

First comes the necessary parts. Replying to comments, hitting my splinterlands quests, completing a post per day. That doesn't leave a lot for much lse so anything that's not a priority goes on the backburner.

if i get distracted along the way then its a missed opportunity.

The thing with procrastination is that it might not seem like the worst thing in the world. It keeps putting you further and further off the pace.

All that wasted time adds up over a long period and could cost you dearly. It compounds as every time that you push a project back to the deadline there is an opportunity cost where you could be doing something new and moving forward instead of winding down the clock and missing out.

Today is a great example of distraction. I think that we all know about the splinterlands general sale opening today.

I bough a few hundred packs. The community is excited, twitter is full of posts, discord is going flat out.

I did get drawn into the hype and had to pull myself out of the cycle. There isn't enough time if I want to hit my daily goals and those are a lot more important in the long run.

The packs will be there for another time and the rest is just chatter.

It's not always easy but for anybody with long term goals it's important to avoid those distractions that pop up from time to time.

That is why we set those goals and targets in the first place. Charting a path to reach them is only worthwhile if we actually follow it through to the end.

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