
Can blockchain platforms disrupt corporate organisations.

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4 min read

This topic has probably never been so relevant as we are witnessing what could be a major step towards people changing their mindset on blockchain and it's possibilities. For anybody not paying attention to the Gamestop, Robinhood, stock markets insanity going on right now it is just another bit of turbulence that is building into a perfect decentralized storm.

Everything that is happening right now and has happened over the past couple of months is just steering more and more people towards the realization that we don't need a lot of the big corporations.

They steal our money, they control our choices, they influence our views and the exert control over every facet of our lives from how we spend our money to what we read on the internet. All of it is done to protect the interests of the people in charge. the ones with the power and who want to keep it that way.

The problem with playing the game on their field is that you are playing by their rules and we all know who wins in this scenario. We are watching it happen in real time as a group of redditors made a big move that earnedd them some money and street cred but hurt the bottom line of the millionaires of wall street and that can't happen. The little guy isn't meant to win. So what then?

The reddit threads get shut down, the option to enter those markets is taken and then the right to complain about this is removed on google....

The big guys team up to close ranks. They don't want to see this happen again. The funny thing is that it's not an isolated incident. In fact it is happening more and more often of late. Look at the people who got banned from twitter and Facebook lately. They were saying things that didn't fit the narrative. So what happens, they get banned. Ok, they decide to move to parler, that gets taken out....

So what happens next??

We need to change the field of play. We need to cut out the third parties that are in charge of how we live and build new decentralized solutions.

Stock markets - Crypto markets. Social media - Hive / decentralized options. Banks - Bitcoin / stores of value.

Cut out the millionaires getting rich off our work and get back to what people used to do. Deal directly with each other and get rewarded for the value that we have to offer. Not get used for their benefit.

As part of my ongoing college course we were asked today,

Is the “blockchain” platform part of the digital platform coordination mechanism?

Can it disrupt corporate entities?

In terms of blockchain platforms becoming large organizations, I do think that they have a way to go before they can compete with centralized web2 platforms. If you look at Ethereum, EOS, Hive. They all have some very interesting and useful features but as of right now I can’t say that any of them would be ready for exponential growth for one reason or another. Every year they are adding more features and becoming more adaptable for different use cases but it is a slow and labored process.

They do however, make a great co-ordination mechanism as they provide new ways to pass information effectively and efficiently. What is a co-ordination mechanism if not information distributed in numerous different ways?

Looking at the six mechanisms as described by Mintzberg and you will see that they all have a common thread. Each co-ordination mechanism aims to feed information from one party to another or group of others to produce the desired end result. That can be in the form of training, directions, culture, regulations etc...

Depending on what that result is. Co-ordinating enough information, skills, work, culture and standardization can become a slow and costly process. You might need to pass information through different groups of people or bring in external help to get to the end result.

Where blockchains and digital platforms can provide real use case is by cutting out a lot of the 3rd parties needed to get the end result. With the right coding, human interaction on the co-ordination process can be removed in a lot of cases and the code can produce the desired output.

DAO’s, smart contracts, finance pools, nft’s can all be digital tools that remove the need for a lot of the 3rd parties and can still co-ordinate a lot of work processes.

This is something new as blockchains and self controlled platforms will remove the need for a lot of services that are considered vital at this moment in time. The people involved will be working towards their own goals and will have say over the direction of the platforms as they evolve. This ownership of the platforms incentivizes the users to buy into the vision and culture which is a whole new prospect when competing with the existing organizations.

How could you not be excited for the next couple of years on hive as we we see what is unfolding right now. Watching this and knowing that the solutions are being built here for millions of people and they don't even know about it yet.

Any third party can be replaced with enough effort and vision. The thing that large corporations forget just like every fallen empire is that eventually if you supress the people long enough, they will rise up and over throw you. For years you might think that they have been lulled into submission as the ruling class get rich off their sweat but all it takes is one spark, one wrong move and the crowds rise up.

The power lies with the people and always has. If everybody decided tomorrow to stop using twitter then it's billions in valuation is worthless. With no users, there is no need for the product and when companies get too big, they tend to forget that it is about providing for their customers and not for themselves.

We are seeing the first sparks but will we see the flames erupt from them?

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