
If you love the work, it makes it easy.

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2 min read

It's great to be excited by your work.

It makes it all so much more worthwhile.

I remember my old job where there was no joy involved. It was a chore just to turn up for one more day and wait until the shift was over.

One day blended into the next and one year into another.

It mas painful and monotonous in equal measures with a bit of frustration and anger thrown in to sweeten the mix.

Welcome to the corporate world.

A place where every person is reduced to a number and every act reduced to a profit margin. The corporate machine chews up individuals and spits out robots.

Robots marching in the right line, at the right pace for the right amount of time. Then they get put into the scrap heap and replaced with the latest model that can do the same job better, faster and cheaper.

They lure you in with the money but it's all a façade. Over time you get trapped into spending all of it to keep up with your peers and fit into the corporate world. At the end of the day you might have more stuff but you have less life and more problems. All for working 50 hours a week.

The hippie on welfare has a better lifestyle and less problems as they have more time and a healthier lifestyle by not working for big companies.

There is obviously a nice middle ground of working for a living in a smaller business that is fun and respect their employees but that is not easy to find.

If you can find it though you have done very well in your choices as they are few and far between.

An interesting job where they respect and look after your needs is a rare gem.

I think that we are so lucky to be on Hive at this stage of development as i think that it will open up so many brilliant opportunities to us going forward.

Opportunities for jobs or to make our own path from it's eco-system.

I used to hate going into work every single day and the corporate machine that's killing my generation.

Now I have freedom of choice thanks to hive this year and it's done wonders for my life. I can't wait to log on to my computer and get involved in something.

I have a healthy lifestyle base don what i actually need instead of chasing money and objects.

It might not last forever but if i do get another job it will be one that i want to turn up for in the morning.

One that adds to my current life instead of taking away form it like my last one.

That is the goal.

For now I have Hive to work on and love being part of the eco-system.

I love my work and that's a great thing to have.

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