
RE: My DMs Don't Lie

avatar of @niallon11
1 min read

I like bitcoin but it's not my priority. Over time i would lie to accumulate a lot more of it but for now i do think that some shitcoins have purpose.

Not many and if you go through the top 100 it is probably 5 - 10% that should even exist. Out side ouf the top 100 it's more like 1-2% that have any real use or purpose.

Anything built for defi won't last and while defi has a future in some form or another, yield farming and creating more shitcoins to pay for other shitcoins doesn't.

Hive is still my main focus as i can see what it does and what it can do in the future if people keep building out the eco-system.

So i mostly agree with you but think that there are some exceptions to the rule.

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